Willis Samian Index

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Site Segontium (Caernarfon) 1975-9. Period 5A (various context types)
Category Military
Date Range c AD 106-122
Number of Vessels in Group 46
EH Region Wales
County Gwynedd
Bibliography Casey et al. 1993; King & Millett 1993
Context Type Various inc. rampart ovens & burnt clay debris following building destruction
Context Label Various
Notes King and Millett (1993, 242) note: "There is a large, but coherent and largely unused residual South Gaulish group of Vespasianic-Domitianic material in this phase, perhaps a dump". This is conceivably a structured deposit (see Willis 1997, 46-7)
Dating Qualifications and Evidence SD & ED: no dating qualifications

TypeFormSamian ValueNo of VesselsStamp
SGLG 18 Platter 706 12 OI CICELRIS = C Iulius Celer, Die 1a
SGLG 18/31R Dish 118 2
SGLG 27 Cup 765 13
SGLG 29 Dec Bowl 412 7
SGLG 35 or 36 Cup or Dish 59 1
SGLG 37 Dec Bowl 294 5
SGLG Déch 67 Dec Beaker 118 2
LMV 18/31 Dish 118 2
LEZ 37 Dec Bowl 118 2

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Last updated: Mon Mar 22 2004