Willis Samian Index

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Site Southwark - 1-7 St Thomas St 1974. Backfilling/Sinkage in top of Pits F28 and F29
Category Major Civil Centre
Date Range c AD 200-229
Number of Vessels in Group 12
EH Region Greater London
County Middlesex
Bibliography Dennis 1978
Context Type Layers
Context Label Contexts 175, 176, 187 & 188
Dating Qualifications and Evidence SD: no dating qualifications; ED possibly +/- 20 years

TypeFormSamian ValueNo of VesselsStamp
LEZ 31 Dish 33 1
LEZ 33 Cup 133 4 SENIL[...] = Senila or Senilis ii, "a new die"
EG 31 Dish 33 1
EG 33 Cup 33 1
EG 37 Dec Bowl 67 2
EG Curle 21 Grit Mortarium 33 1
EG Closed Forms Closed 33 1
EGTR 37 Dec Bowl 33 1

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Last updated: Mon Mar 22 2004