Willis Samian Index

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Site Verulamium - Insula XIV. Period IIA a. Pre-building activity. Pit fills
Category Major Civil Centre
Date Range c AD 61-77
Number of Vessels in Group 84
EH Region Eastern
County Hertfordshire
Bibliography Frere 1972, 23-5; Hartley 1972
Context Type Pit fills
Context Label Contexts BI Pit 7, inc. 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70
Notes This pit may have been intended as a well
Dating Qualifications and Evidence SD & ED: no dating qualifications; glass

TypeFormSamian ValueNo of VesselsStamp
SGLG Ritt 12 Plain Bowl 59 1
SGLG 15/17 Platter 176 3 OF.RVFNI = Rufinus, Die 4a
SGLG 18 Platter 647 11 OFRONTI = Frontinus, Die 17a; OFIV[CVN] = Iucundus, Die 3f; MASCVLVS = Masc(u)lus, Die 17b;OFMONTANI = Montanus, Die 1b;OF.PATRICI = Patricius, Die 1g; OF PONTI = Pontus, Die 8e
SGLG 18R Platter 59 1 OF PRIMI = Primus, Die 9b
SGLG 22 Cup or Dish 59 1
SGLG 24/25 Cup 59 1
SGLG 27 Cup 471 8 OF CALVI = Calvus, Die 3p; CV[ or CA[ retrograde = unidentified
SGLG 27g Cup 294 5 OFALBANI = Albanus, Die 1b; OF.MACCAR = Maccarus, Die 8e; MEMO = Memor, Die 13a; [O]FMOI = Modestus, Die 7a; OMOM = Mommo, Die 11a
SGLG 29 Dec Bowl 1176 20 [OF]CREST[IO] = Crestio, Die 1c; OF CREST[I] retrograde = Crestus or Crestio, Die 4a; GERMANIOF = Germanus, Die 12a
SGLG 30 Dec Bowl 706 12
Two of the Drag. 30s were complete
SGLG 35 Cup 118 2
SGLG 35 or 36 Cup or Dish 59 1
SGLG 35 or 42 Cup 59 1
SGLG 36 Dish 59 1
SGLG 37 Dec Bowl 882 15
SGLG Déch 67 Dec Beaker 59 1

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Last updated: Mon Mar 22 2004