Willis Samian Index

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Site Canterbury - Rosemary Lane Carpark 1976-7. Ditch fill sequence. Layer 33
Category Military? / Major Civil Centre?
Date Range c AD 50-69
Number of Vessels in Group 132
EH Region South East
County Kent
Bibliography Bennett, Frere & Stow 1982; Bird 1982a
Context Type Ditch fill contexts
Context Label Contexts 1, 10, 33, 57c, 57 a/d, 57d, 72, 73, 76, etc
Dating Qualifications and Evidence SD: no dating qualifications; ED possibly + 5-10 years; Regular coin of Claudius I c AD 43-54 (RIC 66)

TypeFormSamian ValueNo of VesselsStamp
SGLG Ritt 8 or 24/25 Cup 50 1
SGLG Ritt 9 Cup 50 1
SGLG Ritt 12 Plain Bowl 100 2
SGLG 15/17 Platter 950 19 OF.PASSIENI retrograde, impressed twice = Pass(i)enus, Die 40a
SGLG 15/17R Platter 300 6
SGLG 15/17 or 18 Platter 200 4 OFLICNI = Licinus, Die 20a; OF.MVRRA = Murranus, Die 10c; PASSENMA = Pass(i)enus, Die 31a; OF[ = unidentified
SGLG 15/17R or 18R Platter 250 5
SGLG 16 Platter 50 1
SGLG 18 Platter 1250 25
SGLG 18R Platter 400 8 OFLICINIANA = Licinus, Die 3b;[OFNIG]RI = Niger ii, Die 2a; TERTIVS = Tertius ii, Die 11c
SGLG 24/25 Cup 650 13 FIRMO = Firmo i, Die 15a; OFMVRRAN = Murranus, Die 8h; OP SIE = Pass(i)enus, Die 53a
SGLG 27g Cup 250 5 OFMODES = Modestus i, Die 4b; ]AN = unidentified
SGLG 27 Cup 1100 22
SGLG 29 Dec Bowl 350 7
SGLG 30 Dec Bowl 200 4
SGLG 37 Dec Bowl 50 1
LMV 30 Dec Bowl 50 1
CG 18/31 Dish 50 2
CG 31 Dish 100 1
CG 33 Cup 50 1
CG 37 Dec Bowl 50 1
CG Black 40 Cup 50 1
EG 44 Plain Bowl 50 1

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Last updated: Mon Mar 22 2004