Willis Samian Index

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Site Canterbury - Rosemary Lane Carpark 1976-7. Area 2 - Pit fill. Layer 279
Category Major Civil Centre
Date Range c AD 125-149
Number of Vessels in Group 22
EH Region South East
County Kent
Bibliography Bennett, Frere & Stow 1982; Bird 1982a
Context Type Pit fill
Context Label Layer 279
Notes The area lies at the south-west edge of Roman Canterbury in an area subject to activity in the second half of the first century AD
Dating Qualifications and Evidence SD & ED: no dating qualifications

TypeFormSamian ValueNo of VesselsStamp
SGLG 15/17 Platter 80 2
SGLG 15/17R Platter 40 1
SGLG 18 Platter 200 5
SGLG 27 Cup 80 2
SGLG 29 Dec Bowl 40 1
SGLG 37 Dec Bowl 40 1
SGLG Curle 11 Plain Bowl 40 1
CG 18/31 or 31 Dish 120 3 SOLLEMNIOF = Sollemnis, Die 2a
Dickinson (1982, 131) has the form as Drag. 33a or 46 while Bird (1982a, 129) records this as 18/31 or 31
CG 36 Dish 40 1
CG 37 Dec Bowl 120 3
CG 42 Cup or Dish 40 1
CG Curle 11 Plain Bowl 40 1

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Last updated: Mon Mar 22 2004