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Site | Alcester - Explosion site 1976-7. Period 2 (various context types) |
Category | Extra-mural at Military site |
Date Range | c AD 84-132 |
Number of Vessels in Group | 45 |
EH Region | West Midlands |
County | Warwickshire |
Bibliography | Booth & Evans 2001; Ferguson 2001; Dickinson 2001c |
Context Type | Various inc. features assoc. with ?building - layers & a well |
Context Label | Various |
Dating Qualifications and Evidence | SD: no dating qualifications; ED possibly +/- c 8 years |
Type | Form | Samian Value | No of Vessels | Stamp |
SGLG Ritt 12 | Plain Bowl | 20 | 1 | |
SGLG 15/17 | Platter | 20 | 1 | |
SGLG 15/17 or 18 | Platter | 102 | 5 | PASSEIV = Pass(i)enus; TABI.VIRTVTI = Tabus-Virtus, Die 1a |
SGLG 15/17R or 18R | Platter | 20 | 1 | |
SGLG 17 | Platter | 20 | 1 | |
SGLG 18 | Platter | 204 | 10 | PASSEIV = Pass(i)enus |
SGLG 18 or 18R | Platter | 20 | 1 | |
SGLG 18 or 18/31 | Dish or Platter | 20 | 1 | |
SGLG 27 | Cup | 122 | 6 | |
SGLG 29 | Dec Bowl | 82 | 4 | |
SGLG 30 | Dec Bowl | 20 | 1 | |
SGLG 37 | Dec Bowl | 20 | 1 | |
SGLG 42 | Cup or Dish | 20 | 1 | |
SGLG Curle 11 | Plain Bowl | 41 | 2 | |
SGLG Cups | Cup | 41 | 2 | |
LMV 18/31 | Dish | 41 | 2 | |
LMV 27 | Cup | 61 | 3 | |
LEZ 30 | Dec Bowl | 20 | 1 | |
UNID 37 | Dec Bowl | 20 | 1 | |
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Last updated: Mon Mar 22 2004