Willis Samian Index

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Site Chester - 11-5 Castle St. 1976-8. Stone Phase 2. Well 2. Primary silt 8
Category Extra-mural at Military site
Date Range c AD 128-179
Number of Vessels in Group 51
EH Region North West
County Cheshire
Bibliography Mason 1980; Bulmer 1980
Context Type Well fill: 'primary silt'
Context Label Context 8
Notes This context also yielded much of a bottle in blue-green glass, cf Isings (1957) Form 90, 10 gaming counters, the mandible of a young adult and the skeleton of a young male
Dating Qualifications and Evidence SD & ED: no dating qualifications

TypeFormSamian ValueNo of VesselsStamp
LEZ 18/31 Dish 173 9 MALLEDV.F = Malledo, Die 4b
Apparently all Central Gaulish items here are from Lezoux
LEZ 18/31R Dish 77 4
Apparently all Central Gaulish items here are from Lezoux
LEZ 30 Dec Bowl 19 1
Apparently all Central Gaulish items here are from Lezoux
LEZ 31 Dish 19 1
Apparently all Central Gaulish items here are from Lezoux
LEZ 31R Plain Bowl 19 1
Apparently all Central Gaulish items here are from Lezoux
LEZ 33 Cup 154 8 [C]ARATILLII = Caratillus, Die 6a; ELVILLI = Elvillus, Die 1a; [CNAT]OS (fern leaf) = Gnatius ii, Die 7a; [MAR]TI.M = Martius iv, Die 1h; OSB.I.MAI = Osbimanus, Die 7b; [PECVLIA]R.F = Peculiaris i, Die 5a; [SV]ANCIRO = Sanciro, or possibly Sa
Apparently all Central Gaulish items here are from Lezoux
LEZ 37 Dec Bowl 442 23
Apparently all Central Gaulish items here are from Lezoux
LEZ 38 Plain Bowl 19 1 DRAVCIM = Draucus ii, Die 1a
Apparently all Central Gaulish items here are from Lezoux
LEZ Curle 15 Dish 19 1
Apparently all Central Gaulish items here are from Lezoux
EG 18/31 Dish 19 1
EG 37 Dec Bowl 19 1

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Last updated: Mon Mar 22 2004