Table 8: Samian and the Date of Site Deposits.

Case Study 1, Southwark: The Bonded Warehouse, Montague Close, 1974, Roadside activities and structural remains (SLAEC 1978)

(This is the source data for Chart 9)

Context Excavator's Date for Context Sample Size:
No. of Samian
Vessels Present
Median Date of Deposit/s 'Average' Date of SamianDifference between
median date of
excavators dating and average date
of samian
Dated Coarse
Pottery Present
BII-5 9-16 Quarry hole c. AD 55-69 48 c. AD 62 c. AD 59 -3 Pre-Flavian
BIII-2a 32-34 Layers (Floor?/foundation), post holes c. AD 55-85 12 c. AD 70 c. AD 60 -10 c. AD 55-85Neronian / Early Flavian
BII-4 19-23 Roadside Ditchc. AD 70-90 30 c. AD 80 c. AD 61 -19 c. AD 70-90
BIII-1 24-30 Deposits NW of road, later than 19-23 c. AD 70-90 50 c. AD 80 c. AD 69 -11 c. AD 70-90
BIII-2a 36-37"Dump layers" c. AD 70-100 21 c. AD 85 c. AD 62 -23 c. AD 70-100Flavian
BIII-2a 38-39 Layers over 37 c. AD 70-135 12 c. AD 102 c. AD 67 -34 c. AD 70-135Flavian - Early 2nd Century