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Table 8: Summary of main spatial and temporal trends

Period/Date Settlement morphology Consumption Deposition Spatial differentiation
50-15 BC Dispersed Dominated by jars; some imports (wine amphorae and Gallo-Belgic wares). Larger pottery groups deposited in pits. Few imports concentrated in area N.
15 BC-AD 20 Creation of nucleated settlement (N & S zones) Large increases in drinking and dining vessels, wine amphorae and Gallic imports. Several pit assemblages dominated by ceramic consumption accoutrements. Bulk of imported pottery in southern zone (areas K, M, N, and P). 'Event pit' in area M.
AD 20-55 Addition of road network and central precinct Beginning of decline in Gallic imports. Further big drop-off in wine amphorae. Slightly reduced emphasis on drinking vessels. Deposition of vessels in suites of same fabric (Gallo-Belgic imports), mostly in pits. Imported wares still largely focused on southern zone, although much greater homogeneity than in earlier periods.
AD 55-80 Continuity Major decline in Gallic-style drinking and dining vessels (imports and copies), and amphorae. Small increases in samian ware. Gallic 'suites' of vessels and local copies confined to three pits in vicinity of temple (area J). New 'urban style' ceramics (flagons, mortaria and samian) concentrated in southern zone (K, L, M & P).
AD 80-125 Enlargement of temple precinct. Further decrease in drinking vessels; increase in dining vessels. Patterning limited due to small sample. Possible emphasis on dining in area J (temple).
AD 125-170 Continuity Significant increases in dining vessels, samian imports and olive oil amphorae, possibly coinciding with construction of mansio at nearby Chelmsford. Several features dominated by dining vessels (not jars) as principal vessel classGeneral increase of 'urban style' pottery across site. No obvious spatial patterning of significance.
AD 170-210 Construction of mortarium kiln in area W Continuity in most forms apart from significant increase in mortaria, owing to new production site in area W. Half of the features were dominated by non-jar forms (usually dining vessels). Strong association between wells and dining vessels. Mortaria, flagons and olive oil amphorae concentrated in area W, suggesting external influence (military?) responsible for new mortarium kiln.