Welsh Roundhouses: House Data

Single house record for Penycoed

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Record number: 119
Site name:Penycoed
Site number: 148
Location: 254 (A)
Earliest radiocarbon date: -360
Latest radiocarbon date: 30
Approx. early date:
Approx. late date:
% excavated:
Internal diameter: 9
Area: 63.6
Evidence of repair:Yes
Repair/Rebuild details: first phase gully 309 containing stake holes (for a house 11m diameter) destroyed by later drainage gully 188 of house with internal postring, wall not remaining but poss. 9m diameter
Wall material: Daub found
Wall gully:Yes
Internal post ring:Yes
Periphery area: 1.5
Door orientation: E
Internal width: 2
Porch: Yes
Drainage gully:Yes
Vessels: o wall
Peronal adornment: o wall
CBM: o wall
After use: two post holes and a gully containing stakeholes, followed by a pit (later house?)
Notes:Gully may be drainage gully rather than wall. Finds indicate burning. Unclear which phase porch belongs to; may be internal or mark outer wall of later house. Fence lines relate to house. This phase I, predates enclosing bank.


© Internet Archaeology/Authors URL: http://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue23/1/house.cfm
Last updated: Mon Nov 26 2007