Welsh Roundhouses: House Data

Single house record for Caer Cadwgan

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Record number: 182
Site name:Caer Cadwgan
Site number: 101
Location: Later phases of 180
Approx. early date:
Approx. late date:
% excavated:
Internal diameter:
Evidence of repair:Yes
Rebuild of (house number): 180
Repair/Rebuild details: extension of platform, spread of stony material over earlier levels (337; 338) and postholes, final covering spread of charcoal, burnt stone
In situ decay:Yes
Wall material: burnt wattling and daub found, some in situ
Wall gully:Yes
Cob or clay: Yes
Floor details: flat stones for hearth base or flooring
Occupation deposits: Yes
Drainage gully:Yes
Burnt stone: various
CBM: o wall
Pre-house activity: four poster, preceded by 180.
After use: stone spreads and postholes decayed in situ
Notes:Re-use of gully 369 as a drain. Spread of charcoal, burnt bone, wattles, seals a gully 382 to E of fourposter. This relates to burnt structure?


© Internet Archaeology/Authors URL: http://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue23/1/house.cfm
Last updated: Mon Nov 26 2007