List of Figures

Figure 1: Sample of published artefact catalogue of brooches (Zanier 1992, 177) and final GIS plot for dress-related artefacts, plotted according to gender, from Ellingen.

Figure 2: Methodology and software workflow (drawing A. Fairbairn and C. Blackall)

Figure 3: Provenance and artefact data tables for Vetera I, showing unique identifier codes (i.e. trench numbers) in both tables and XY coordinates added from GIS map.

Figure 4: Example of relationships between tables in Access, linked by provenance codes in the 'trench' field for Vetera 1.

Figure 5: Example of the cross-tab query procedure for possible dress items at Ellingen, with linking provenance codes in the 'code' field.

Figure 6: Example of the cross-tab query output for possible dress items at Ellingen.

Figure 7: Example of access selection queries output for possible dress items at Ellingen.

Figure 8: Adding query data to ArcMap of possible dress items at Ellingen.

Figure 9: Symbology function in ArcMap of possible dress items at Ellingen.

Figure 10: Formatted plot in ArcMap for possible dress items at Ellingen.


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Last updated: Mon Jun 30 2008