Throughout the project it was apparent that obsidian was more commonly used than flint or chert. On some prehistoric settlements flint might be entirely absent. 438 Boyuk Kasik is the main exception to this with no obsidian, but large quantities of long flakes of flint and chert.
Samples of obsidian from three sites (408.8 Poylu II, 361 Khojakhan and 316 Seyidlar) were submitted for optical characterisation by Bernard Gratuze of the CNRS. The results were good (Table 3), in that all the sources could be identified, although no one source dominated. Paravani in Georgia forms the bulk of the material at 408.8 Poylu II and 361 Khojakhan (Gratuze 2007). [View obsidian report in digital archive]
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