5.2 Metadata development and elements

Extensive metadata for each object in the Hampson and Amarna collections were developed that are consistent with the new Guides to Good Practice 2 (G2GP). The G2GP efforts were supported in part by the Andrew Mellon Scholarly Communications program. Though published after the Hampson and Amarna project was completed, the metadata strategies described in the Guides grew, in large part, out of the project experience and, as a result, the metadata were already largely consistent with the G2GP requirements. As the G2GP specifications were finalised, the objects' metadata could be brought up to these G2GP standards quickly. The specific section of the G2GP dealing with laser scanning (Payne 2010) was created in conjunction with Section 7 of the Metric Survey Specifications for Cultural Heritage titled Standard Specification for the Collection and Archiving of Terrestrial Laser Scan Data published by English Heritage (English Heritage 2009). Many of the metadata elements were first specified and defined in the Metric Survey Specifications document. The current G2GP guide builds upon these specifications by broadening the scope to include all terrestrial laser scanners (short-, mid-, long-range systems) and also includes such topics as accurate RGB/colour acquisition and suggests standards for archiving the derived products of point cloud datasets (i.e. mesh files, CAD files, movies, etc.).

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