5.1.4 Question 1 response Type D

Closely connected to the Type C was the expression of personal emotion in relation to the story and to the history. Based on the initial test group of ten participants, it was posited that responses in this group may vary based on the nationality of participants. In further testing, however, this emerged as complex, with no direct relationship evident. While some responses clearly related to a cultural affiliation, strong personal responses based on gender or religious affiliations emerged as equally common.

'I despaired at the cultural heritage of my nation.'

'For me, the stories made me angry.'

'The story makes me feel angry.'

'The first time I read it I felt mainly pity for the women, upon second reading with more knowledge of the background to the punishments etc. I felt angrier at the system than before.'

'The story made me feel uncomfortable; it made me realise that the past is not neutral but rather something challenging — something which can be confrontational. There is a sense of confrontation between body and mind, individual practice and doctrine, past and present, and the story puts you in confrontation with yourself. Everyone has been judgemental, and yet everyone has experienced being judged.'

'The story made me feel discomfort with the way in which people, seemingly women in particular, were made to experience such shame and guilt in the manner they did. Overall, I feel uncomfortable about this representation of an approach to God. My own image of God is much more tolerant/liberal.'


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