
This article would not have been possible without the illustrations of Hayley Saul and Pat Walsh, Northamptonshire Archaeology (comb drawings). Thanks must also go to Cecily Spall and Julian Richards for permission to use drawings by Richard Jackson and Frances Chaloner of the combs from Blue Bridge Lane and Cottam respectively. Many of the maps were produced by Alison Leonard, and the visual atlas was composed using schematics drawn by Leslie Johansen.

The author also owes a debt of gratitude to all those who provided access to collections or unpublished work, or offered comment. It is not possible to mention everyone here, but particular thanks should be extended to James Barrett, Anne Brundle, Thomas Cadbury, Axel Christophersen, David Clarke, Claus Feveile, Andy Heald, Richard Hall, Gitte Hansen, Heidi Luik, Arthur MacGregor, Christine McDonnell, Andrew Morrison, Tamara Pushkina, Mark Redknap, Ian Riddler, Marloes Rijkelijkhuizen, Hans Skov, Lyuba Smirnova, Jean Soulat, Dries Tys, Jens Ulriksen, Maria Vretemark and Tommy Watt. Particular thanks are due to James Barrett, Arthur MacGregor, Terry O'Connor and Julian Richards for their support and advice during the production of the original work from which this atlas derives, while in the later stages of development, Søren Sindbaek has been a constant source of ideas and discussion. Every effort has been made to obtain permission to refer to unpublished work; no slight is intended where this has not been possible. Thanks also to Judith Winters at Internet Archaeology, and to the anonymous reviewer for perceptive archaeological and structural suggestions. All errors remain the author's own.

This atlas is dedicated to the memory of Anne Brundle; it is hoped that it provides the kind of tool of which she would have approved.


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