Description: Also very probably the work of a continental, probably Gaulish, sculptor, but much more obviously provincial in its top-heavy proportions, sharply twisted torso, and singularly unidealised cast of countenance, is the hollow-cast statuette from the Foss Dyke, Lincolnshire. . Here Mars wears a helmet with an enormous, flaunting crest upon his flowing, curly hair. The base carries an inscription to the effect that the figure was dedicated to Mars and the emperor's divine power by the Colasuni, Bruccius, and Caratius, and made by the aerius Celatus. The dedicators have what would seem to be Celtic names, while the craftsman's name is Roman; and the piece may have been cast in Britain for British patrons by a visiting artist (Toynbee p66).
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Image: Copyright: Trustees of the British Museum.