Description: Rider is bearded with a short moustache, fine facial features and band of curly hair framing the face. Careful depiction of the face and head is in contrast to the rest of the body. The torso is a rectangle with spindly legs which extend straight down either side of the horse, there is no definition of the waist or hips and awkward depiction of shoulder. He wears a pleated skirt with straight deep grooves and a beaded band at the waist and lower edge of the skirt. The body of the horse is too small, the neck long and thick, the mane is largely missing. Although worn, one can see that the face of the horse was more carefully modelled with nostrils, eyes, mouth and broken ears. Curious combination of fine features and crudely depicted body. Rider too big for the horse, proportions bad.
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Image: Courtesy of Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Cambridge.

Image of figurine 162