Description: The animal holds it head high; it is heavily dewlapped and has prominent ears and horns. The tail is curved upwards over its rump. Its left fore-leg and part of its tail are broken away. . . Both two-horned and three-horned bulls occur on Romano_celtic bronzes. Bulls were often endowed with divine attributes by the Celts. Amongst the Romans, the sacrificial bull was of great importance. The figurine would have been an appropriate gift for deposition at a shrine (Henig). Fairly simple rendition, although the strength of the beast is emphasised by the heavy dewlaps and fine musculature of the body. Nicely curled horns with fairly large ears below. Although now slightly corroded the face is quite engaging with the head tilted to the right. The top of the head between the horns is decorated with herringbone pattern.
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Image: Copyright: Corinium Museum, Cotswold District Council (Photograph by E. Durham).