Figurines Data

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ID 114
Grid Ref TQ3379
Project type Unknown
County Greater London
Site London
Site Name Bermondsey
Site Type Large town
Location Type Unknown
Context Unknown
Context Quality 0
Object Period 9
Material Bronze
Location Museum of London
Ref No A11815
M/F Male
Age Mature
Form Figurine
Type Deity
Name Priest
Aliases Apollo
Bearded No
Headgear Headdress
Clothed No
Drapery Yes
Condition Missing feet, right arm, and left hand
Classical 1
Quality Poor
Photo Yes
Illustration No
Height 77.00
Length 0.00
Parallels London (115-117); Richter 1915, no 170; Rolland 1965, no 121-4; Menzel 1960, 18 no. 24, Taf. 30; Kaufmann-Heinimann 1977, 79-80 no. 81, Taf. 87; Faider-Feytmans 1979, pl. 45 no. 72; Caravale 2003, 106-7 nos. 115-118
References Pitts 1979, 69 no 94
[Link to Bibliography]
Description Not Roman. Fully draped male; very thin profile (attached to wall?); headdress consists of four large knobs representing leafy garland or readiate crown?. . . Celtic drapery, deep eyes, wedge nose, crude work (Pitts). The back is modelled to so not attached to wall. Five knobs on headdress.


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Last updated: Wed Feb 29 2012