Figurines Data

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ID 525
Grid Ref SP0220
Project type Excavation
County Gloucestershire
Site Wycomb
Site Type Small town
Location Type Temple
Context Unknown
Context Quality 1
Site Date C1-5
Object Period 0
Material Bronze
Import Maybe
Place of manufacture Gaul
Location Private collection
M/F Male
Age Mature
Form Figurine
Type Deity
Name Mars
Bearded Yes
Standing/Seated Standing
Headgear Helmet
Attributes Yes
Attribute description Missing spear and shield
Clothed Yes
Clothing description Tunic and cuirass
Drapery Yes
Drapery description Drapery over forearms and round back
Condition Good
Classical 1
Quality Classical 2
Photo Yes
Illustration No
Height 74.00
Length 0.00
Parallels Ognenova-Marinova 1975, 78-9 no. 73
References Green 1976, 175; Toynbee 1976, 87, fig bet p44-5; Timby 1998, 297, 339, 349, 350
[Link to Bibliography]
Description He has rugged features and a thick, curly beard; and his thick hair, which flows in waves down the back of his neck, is crowned by a tall, conical helmet without neckguard, cheek-pieces, or crest, but with a braod brim shading the brow in front. He wears a plain metal cuirass with a curved, dipping rim across the abdomen in front and terminating in a row of scallops above a series of lappets, either of metal or leather. Under the cuirass is a knee-length tunic. The cuirass has shoulder-plates and on the left upper arm lappets are visible, those on the right arm being concealed by a fold of the god's cloak. This cloak passes in thick folds diagonally across the back, with one end caught round the elbow of the lowered left arm and then hanging down beside the left flank. The other end crosses the raised right upper arm in front and then falls down behind it in vertical folds, one of which forms a zig-zag.


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