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ID 864
Images No image in database
Grid Ref SK7799
Project type Chance
County Lincolnshire
Site Haxey
Site Type Unknown
Location Type Unknown
Context Unknown
Context Quality 1
Site Date Unknown
Object Period 0
Material Bronze
Location with finder?
M/F Male
Age Youth
Form Figurine
Type Deity
Name Priapus
Bearded No
Standing/Seated Standing
Headgear Cloth on head
Attributes Yes
Attribute description Phallus, grapes
Clothed No
Drapery Yes
Drapery description Nebris over left shoulder, back and chest
Condition Slightly worn, perhaps from handling
Classical 1
Quality Classical 3
Photo Yes
Illustration Yes
Height 64.40
Length 0.00
Parallels Pakenham
References Henig and Leahy 1995, 169-71, fig. 1 pl. XX A
[Link to Bibliography]
Description The human part of the image is shown draped in a nebris (animal skin garment) which lies diagonally over the left shoulder and partially covers the back and chest. Priapus's head is turned a little to the left and slightly inclined, the hair evidently covered by a cloth though the considerable amount of wear suffered in the area of the head means that the detail here is rather indistinct. His left arm lies across his body and rests on his virile member below which is what appears to be a bunch of grapes. He holds his right arm behind his back, holding another bunch of grapes in that hand. The quality of the modelling of the herm is good and the musculature of the arms, back and chest have been successfully indicated (Henig).


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Last updated: Wed Feb 29 2012