List of figures

Figure 1: An archaeological dig is a material kinaesthetic experience. When archaeologists dig, they utilise a variety of analytical and exploratory procedures that are difficult to explain in traditional classroom settings. In this picture, archaeologists of the Çatalhöyük 3D dig project are at work (picture by Carlos Bazua Morales)

Figure 2: Çatalhöyük, Turkey. Laser scanning of the stratigraphic units/layers detected inside building 86. Archaeological campaign 2010

Figure 3: 3D reproduction of the stratigraphic units detected inside building 86

Figure 4: 3D Virtual Dig. Introductory window providing the users with instructions on how to use the application and a brief introduction on the archaeological site of Çatalhöyük

Figure 5: 3D Virtual Dig. Red colour texts explaining why the user was not able to recognise the exact unit

Figure 6: 3D Virtual Dig. Green text showing the user that the right unit was recognised and, therefore, virtually excavated

Figure 7: Graphic representation of the classroom assessment project

Figure 8: The graphic on the left demonstrates students' familiarity with 3D representations; the graphic on the right shows students' appraisal of hands-on activities

Figure 9: This graph shows students' background knowledge on archaeology at the beginning of Introduction to Anthropological Archaeology course.

Figure 10: This graph shows the results of the test for question 4: 'What strata did the pit L cut?'

Figure 11: This graph shows the results of the test for question 8: Draw the MATRIX layers from I to P


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