Data Dictionary

Field name and description

Sample Number
Alphanumeric identification of sampled artefact
Ratio of lead isotopes 208 to 206 in sampled artefact
Ratio of lead isotopes 207 to 206 in sampled artefact
Ratio of lead isotopes 206 to 204 in sampled artefact
Percentage of gold in the sampled artefact, measured by ED XRF
Ore sample: Region
Geographical location of sampled lead ore compared to the artefact
Are the lead isotope ratios within certain percent error of artifact lead ore ratios? Y = consistent within 0.2%; YY = consistent within 0.1%.
Sample ID
Identification of ore sample in publication
Ratio of ore lead isotopes 208 to 206
Ratio of ore lead isotopes 207 to 206
Ratio of ore lead isotopes 206 to 204
Sample Site
Mine name or specific location where ore sample was taken.
Sample Type
The type of mineral or ore from which the comparative lead isotope data were reportedly obtained
Number of original publication (see key: numbered citations)
208Pb/206Pb Error
Percent difference between artifact and ore ratio of lead isotopes 208 to 206
207Pb/206Pb Error
Percent difference between artifact and ore ratio of lead isotopes 207 to 206
206Pb/204Pb Error
Percent difference between artifact and ore ratio of lead isotopes 206 to 204