Site | Period | Author | Date | Reference |
Bancroft (mausoleum) | Iron Age + IA/Early Roman | Holmes, J. and Rielly, K. | 1984 | Animal bone from the 'mausoleum' site. 515-36. In: Williams R and Zeepvat R. Bancroft. A late Bronze Age/Iron Age settlement, Roman villa and temple mausoleum. Volume 2 Finds and environmental evidence., Buckinghamshire Archaeol. Soc. Monograph 2. Milton Keynes. |
Bancroft Villa 83-6 AML 58/90 | Late Roman | Levitan B. | 1990 | Vertebrate remains from Bancroft Villa, Milton Keynes, Bucks, 1983-86. AML Report New Series No.: 58/90 |
Bierton | Late IA | Jones, G. | 1988 | The Iron Age animal bones. 32-9. In: Allen D. Excavations at Bierton, a late Iron Age `Belgic' settlement, Roman Villa and 12th-18th century manorial complex. Rec. Buckinghamshire. 28 (for 1986). |
Brancaster 77 | Mid Roman | Jones, G. | 1985 | The animal bones from the 1974 excavations pp. 129-31 in Hinchliffe, J. and Green, C. S. Excavations at Brancaster 1974 and 1977. E. Anglian Archaeol. 23 |
Burgh 87 AML 14/87 | Late IA | Jones, R. et al | 1987 | Burgh, Suffolk: the vertebrate remains 1987.AML New Series No.: 14/87 |
Caesaromagus NE 70-83 | Early Roman | Luff, R. | 1992 | The faunal remains, pp 116-124 in: Wickenden, N. P. The temple and other sites in the North-eastern sector of Caesaromagus. CBA Research Report 75, Chelmsford Archaeological Trust 9. |
Caister-on-Sea 51-5 | Late Roman | Harman, M | 1993 | The animal bones pp. 233-8 and Fiche: Figures 166-7 and Tables 47-54 in Darling, M. and Gurney, D. Caister-on-Sea. Excavations by Charles Green 1951-5. E. Anglian Archaeol. 60 |
Causeway Ln 80-91 | Early Roman + Late Roman | Gidney L. | 1999 | The animal bones. 310-329. In: Connor A and Buckley R. Roman and medieval occupation in Causeway Lane, Leicester. Leicester Archaeology Monographs No.5. |
Clay Ln AML 4811 | Late IA | Jones, R. et al | 1985 | Clay Lane, Northamptonshire. The vertebrate remains .AML Report OS No.: 4811 |
Colchester 71-85 | ER, E-MR, MR, M-LR, VLR | Luff, R. | 1993 | Animal Bones from excavations in Colchester, 1971-85. Colchester Archaeological report 12. Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd. |
Croft Ambrey 60-6 | Iron Age | Whitehouse, R. and D. | 1974 | Fauna. 215-22 and Appendix 1. In: Stanford S C. Croft Ambrey, Hereford, excavation report. Privately published. |
Dicket Mead | Late Roman | King A. | 1986 | Animal bones. 164-9. In: Rook T. The Roman villa site at Dicket Mead, Lockleys, Welwyn. Hertfordshire Archaeol. 9. 79-175. |
Dragonby | Late IA + Early Roman | Harman, M | 1996 | Mammalian Bone pp. 141-61 in May, J. Dragonby. Report on excavations at an Iron Age and Romano-British settlement in Lincolnshire. Oxbow Monograph 61. Oxford |
Druten | Iron Age, ER and E-MR | Lauwerier, R. | 1988 | Animals in Roman times in the Dutch eastern river area. |
Edix Hill AML 54/95 | Late IA | Davis, S | 1995 | Animal bones from the Iron Age site at Edix Hill, Barrington, Cambridgeshire, 1989-1991 excavations.AML Report New Series No.: 54/95 |
Elst Temple | Early-mid Roman | Lauwerier, R. | 1988 | Animals in Roman times in the Dutch eastern river area. Amersfoort, Nederlandse Oudheden 12 |
Ewijk | Early Roman + E-MR | Lauwerier, R. | 1988 | Animals in Roman times in the Dutch eastern river area. Amersfoort, Nederlandse Oudheden 12 |
GA York | Early-mid Roman, MR + LR | O'Connor, T. P. | 1988 | Bones from the General Accident site, Tanner Row. The Archaeology of York 15(2), 16-136 + plates III-VII. London: Council for British Archaeology. |
Grandford 58-64 | Early Roman, MR + LR | Stallibrass S. | 1982 | Faunal remains. 98-122. In: Potter T W and Potter C F. A Romano-British village at Grandford, March, Cambridgeshire. British Museum Occasional Paper No 35 Dept of Prehistoric and Romano-British Antiquities. |
Great Chesterford 53-5 | Late Roman | Serjeantson D. | 1986 | The animal bones. 37-9. In: Draper J. Excavations at Great Chesterford, Essex, 1953-5. Proc. Cambridge Antiq. Soc. 75. 3-41. |
Grove Farm | Iron Age | Gouldwell, A. | 1992 | The animal bone. 58-69. In:Clay P. An Iron Age farmstead at Grove Farm, Enderby, Leicestershire. Trans. Leicestershire Archaeol. Hist. Soc. 66. 1-82. |
Hardingstone 67-8 | Iron Age + LIA | Gilmore, F. | 1969 | The animal and human skeletal remains. 43-55. In: Woods P J. Excavations at Hardingstone, Northampton, 1967-8. Northampton: Northamptonshire County Council. |
Harlow Temple 62-71 | Late IA + Early Roman | Legge, A. and Dorrington, E | 1985 | The animal bones, pp 122-33 in: France, N. E. and Gobel, B. M. The Romano-British temple at Harlow, Essex. West Essex Archaeological Group. |
Kesteren | Early-mid Roman | Lauwerier, R. | 1988 | Animals in Roman times in the Dutch eastern river area. Amersfoort, Nederlandse Oudheden 12 |
Latimer 64-70 | Very Late Roman | Hamilton R. | 1971 | Animal remains. 163-66. In: Branigan K. Latimer Belgic, Roman, Dark Age and early modern Farm. Bristol: privately Published |
Lincoln sites (bones) | Early Roman, E-MR, MR + LR | Dobney et al. | 1996 | Of butchers and breeds. Lincoln Archaeological Studies 5. Lincoln |
Longthorpe 67-73 | Early Roman | Marples B J. | 1974 | Animal bones from the Roman fort at Longthorpe, near Peterborough. 122-8. In: Frere S S and St Joseph J K. The Roman fortress at Longthorpe. Britannia 5. 1-129. |
Longthorpe II 70-4 | Early Roman | King J M. | 1987 | The animal bones. 184-94. In: Dannell G B and Wild J P. Longthorpe II. The military works-depot: an episode in landscape history. Britannia Monographs Series No. 8. |
Moulton Park 71-2 | Late IA | Orr, C | 1974 | The animal bones. 62. In: Williams J H. Two Iron Age sites in Northampton. Northampton Development Corporation Archaeological Monographs 1. |
New Cemetery 85-87 | Early Roman + Late Roman | Levitan B. | 1996 | Vertebrate remains. 186-205. In: Esmonde Cleary S. and Ferris I. Excavations at the New Cemetery, Rocester, Staffordshire, 1985-1987. Transactions of the Staffordshire Archaeological and Historical Society 35 (for 1993-94). |
Nijmegan fort | Early Roman | Lauwerier, R. | 1988 | Animals in Roman times in the Dutch eastern river area. Amersfoort, Nederlandse Oudheden 12 |
Nijmegen | Early Roman | Lauwerier, R. | 1988 | Animals in Roman times in the Dutch eastern river area. Amersfoort, Nederlandse Oudheden 12 |
Nijmegen | Late Roman | Lauwerier, R. | 1988 | Animals in Roman times in the Dutch eastern river area. Amersfoort, Nederlandse Oudheden 12 |
Nijmegen canabae | Early Roman | Lauwerier, R. | 1988 | Animals in Roman times in the Dutch eastern river area. Amersfoort, Nederlandse Oudheden 12 |
Old Bowling Green 77-9 | Late Roman | Locker A. | 1992 | Animal bone. 84-92 and Fiche 2:D3. In: Woodiwiss S. Iron Age and Roman salt production and the medieval town of Droitwich. CBA Research Report 81. |
Outgang Rd 91 AML 5/97 | Iron Age | Albarella, U | 1997 | The Iron Age animal bones excavated in 1991 from Outgang Road, Market Deeping (MAD91), Lincolnshire. AML Report New Series 5/97. |
Owlesbury | IA/ER, ER, E-MR, MR, M-LR, LR | 1987 | Maltby, M., The animal bones from the excavations at Owlesbury, Hants: An Iron Age and Early Romano-British settlement , AML Rep. 6/87 | |
Puckeridge and Braughing 75-9 | Late IA | Croft, P | 1979 | The mammalian bones from Feature 1. 73-92. In: Partridge C. Excavations at Puckeridge and Braughing 1975-9. Hertfordshire Archaeol. 7. 28-132. |
Puckeridge-Braughing 71-2 | Iron Age/ER, ER + LR | Fifield P W. | 1988 | The faunal remains. 148-53. In: Potter T W and Trow S D. Puckeridge-Braughing, Herts: The Ermine Street excavations 1971-2. The late Iron Age and Roman settlement. Hertfordshire Archaeol. 10. 1-191. |
Racecourse 74 | Mid Roman | Harman M with contributions by Bramwell D and Baker J. | 1986 | The mammal and bird bones. 219-21. In: Dool J. Derby racecourse: excavations on the Roman industrial settlement, 1974. Derbyshire Archaeol. J. 105. 155-221 |
Rayne Rd Braintree | Mid-late Roman | Luff, R. | 1976 | The animal bones, pp 60-2 in: Drury, P. J. Braintree: excavations and research 1971-6. Excavations at 51-57 Rayne Road. Essex Archaeology and History 8 |
Scole-Dickleburgh AML 29/98 | Late Roman | Baker P. | 1998 | The vertebrate remains from Scole-Dickleburgh, excavated in 1993 (Norfolk and Suffolk), A140 and A143 road improvement project. AML Report New Series 29/98. |
Sheepen 70 | Early Roman | Luff, R. | 1985 | The fauna, pp 143-50 and Fiche 4:A2-E7 in: Niblett, R. Sheepen: and early Roman industrial site at Camulodunum. CBA Research Report 57. |
Sidbury 59-89 (Roman) | Early Roman + Late Roman | Scott S. | 1992 | The animal bone. 88-92. In: Darlington J and Evans J. Roman Sidbury, Worcester: Excavations 1959-1989. Trans. Worcestershire Archaeol. Soc. 13. 5-104. |
Skeleton Green 71-2 | Late IA | Ashdown R and Evans C. | 1981 | Mammalian bones. 205-35. In: Partridge C. Skeleton Green. A Late Iron Age Romano-British site. Britannia Monograph Series No. 2. London. |
Stonea 80-5 | Mid Roman + Late Roman | Stallibrass S. | 1996 | Animal Bones pp 587-612 and Plate XXXI in Jackson, R. P. J. and Potter, T. W. (eds) Excavations at Stonea, Cambridgeshire 1980-5. London: British Museum |
Sutton Walls 48-51 | Iron Age | Corwall, I. and Bennet-Clark, M. | 1953 | Animal bones. 79-83. In: Kenyon K M. Excavations at Sutton Walls, Herefordshire, 1948-51. Archaeol. J. 110. 1-88. |
The Park AML 4628 | Early-mid Roman + LR | Scott, S. | 1985 | Animal bones from The Park, Lincoln. Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report OS 4628 |
The Shires 88 AML 56/91 | Early Roman | Gidney L J. | 1991 | Leicester, The Shires 1988: Excavations, the animals bones from the Roman Deposits at Little Lane. AML Report New Series No.: 56/91 |
Wakerley 72-5 | Iron Age | Jones, R. | 1978 | Appendix II. The animal bones. 325-42. In:Jackson D A and Ambrose T M. Excavations at Wakerley, Northants, 1972-75. Britannia 9. 115-242. |
Wardy Hill 91 | Late IA | Davis S.J.M. | 2003 | 'Animal bone' in C. Evans (ed) Power and Island Communities: Excavations at the Wardy Hill Ringwork, Coveney, Ely, Cambridge, E. Anglian Archaeol. 103. 122-137. |
Wavendon Gate | Iron Age, ER, MR + LR | Dobney, K. and Jaques, D | 1996 | The mammal bones. 203-230. In:Williams R J, Hart P J and Williams A T L. Wavendon Gate: a late Iron Age and Roman settlement in Milton Keynes. Buckinghamshire Archaeol. Soc. Monograph 10. Milton Keynes. |
West Stow 65-72 (prehist. and Roman) | Iron Age and Early Roman | Crabtree, P | 1990 | Faunal remains from Iron Age and Romano-British features. 101-5. In: West S. West Stow, Suffolk: the prehistoric and Romano-British occupations. East Anglian Archaeol. 48. |
Wroxeter (baths and macellum) 55-85 | Late Roman | Meddens B. | 2000 | 'The animal bone' in P. Ellis (ed) The Roman baths and macellum at Wroxeter: a report on the excavations by Graham Webster, 1955-85, English Heritage Archaeololgical Report 9. 315-335. |
Wroxeter (natatio) 55-85 | Late Roman | Noddle B. | 2000 | 'Animal bone from the natatio' in P. Ellis (ed) The Roman baths and macellum at Wroxeter: a report on the excavations by Graham Webster, 1955-85, English Heritage Archaeololgical Report 9. 315-335. |