Table 148. Horse: Results of t-tests on biometric data from Elms Farm, Heybridge, Essex.
EF = Elms Farm
N = not significant
*= significant at the 95% confidance interval
**= significant at the 99% confidance interval.
Measurement Site/s Comparison between: T value Probability Significance
Log Ratio lengths EF Period 2 and 3 -1.391 0.1787 N
EF Period 3 and 4-5 -2.367 0.0267 *
EF Period 4-5 and 5-6 0.181 0.8578 N
Log Ratio widths EF Period 2 and 3 -1.443 0.1586 N
EF Period 3 and 4-5 -4.836 0 **
EF Period 4-5 and 5-6 1.847 0.0717 N
Log Ratio depths EF Period 2 and 3 -1.627 0.1233 N
EF Period 3 and 4-5 -2.351 0.0303 *
EF Period 4-5 and 5-6 1.029 0.3164 N
Log Ratio lengths British sites v. EF IA and Period 2 0.683 0.498 N
British sites v. EF 1-2C and Periods 3+4 1.514 0.1336 N
British sites v. EF 3-4C and Periods 4-5+5-6 -0.603 0.5509 N
Log Ratio widths British sites v. EF IA and Period 2 0.803 0.424 N
British sites v. EF 1-2C and Periods 3+4 0.375 0.7083 N
British sites v. EF 3-4C and Periods 4-5+5-6 -1.51 0.1375 N
Log Ratio lengths Dutch sites v. EF IA and Period 2 2.334 0.0314 N
Dutch sites v. EF 1st-M2C and Period 3 4.884 0 **
Dutch sites v. EF 4th C and Period 4-5 -0.539 0.592 N
Log Ratio widths Dutch sites v. EF 1st-M2C civilian and Period 3 5.43 0 **
Dutch sites v. EF 1st-M2C military and Period 3 3.291 0.0029 **
Dutch sites v. EF M-End2C and Period 4 1.157 0.2515 N
Dutch sites v. EF 4th C and Period 5-6 1.509 0.1349 N