[Internet Archaeology]

Call for Papers

Internet Archaeology is the leading electronic journal for archaeology The journal is always seeking quality content from archaeological researchers, academics and professionals. In some countries, Internet Archaeology has a greater coverage than many longer-established print journals.

The editor is always actively seeking research contributions on any topic. But content that fits into any of the following themes is welcome:

This call is chiefly, but not exclusively, aimed at those who have not yet considered Internet Archaeology as an outlet for their work.

Internet Archaeology is only available on the web and has no print equivalent. The journal covers archaeology worldwide and all article forms are welcome. As long as you've got quality content that would benefit from being published online, then maybe your next publication will be in Internet Archaeology! Our review and editorial process is streamlined and efficient, with publication usually within 3-4 months following successful review.

If you are planning the publication of your research or your archaeological project, please consider what Internet Archaeology might be able to offer.

Potential authors should view our Editorial Policy at: http://intarch.ac.uk/news/edpol.html and our guidelines for contributors at: http://intarch.ac.uk/news/housestyle/index.html All queries about potential submissions are welcome. Please contact the editor at: editor AT intarch.ac.uk (Subject: Call for Papers).


Internet Archaeology is an open access journal based in the Department of Archaeology, University of York. Except where otherwise noted, content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC BY) Unported licence, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that attribution to the author(s), the title of the work, the Internet Archaeology journal and the relevant URL/DOI are given.

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