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ABCD: 1001

Rhuddlan 79-80 nr Rhyl

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Rhuddlan 79-80, nr Rhyl, 1985, Clwyd, Wales SJ030779
Period: Anglo-Saxon/Early medieval
Category: burgh
Notes: samples from under the S defences of the burgh
Topography: river terrace
Condition: dry
Report type: macrofossil reports

Williams D. 1985. The plant remains. In: Manley J, Otlet R L, Walker A J and Williams D. Early medieval radiocarbon dates and plant remains from Rhuddlan, Clwyd. Archaeol. Cambrensis. 134. 106-19. Wales, Clwyd

Processed by
CAK - Keepax, Carole:

DW - Williams, Dorian: York, EAU

Sample: 1001a
Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
PR.SE.AS 1-10 charcoal spread charred material Anglo-Saxon 0920 0990

Context integrity: 2
Context preservation: bu
Dating method: C14
Dating validity: 2
Environmental interpretion: workmen's campfires on pre-rampart surface
Archaeological interpretion: food debris thrown into the fires

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Achillea sp. pro c N3 1 1
Agrostemma githago pro c 1 1
Anagallis arvensis pro c 1 1
Anthemis cotula pro c 130 4
Anthriscus sp. pro w S1 6 3
Avena sp. pro c N1 549 5
Bromus hordeaceus pro c N4 5 3
Carex sp. pro c Q2 * 1
Cerastium sp. pro w C 3 2
cf. Cannabis sativa pro c 1 1
cf. Linum sp. pro c 1 1
Chenopodium album pro w C 2 1
Chenopodium sp. pro w C 13 3
Cirsium sp. pro w C 1 1
Compositae pro c 1 1
Corylus avellana pro c Q1 **** 1
Cyperaceae pro c 1 1
Fumaria sp. pro w S2 15 3
Galium sp. pro w C 1 1
Gramineae pro c 4 2
Juncus sp. pro c Q2 * 1
Lapsana communis pro w C1 4 2
Pisum sativum pro c 111 4
Polygonum aviculare agg. pro w C 3 2
Prunus sp. pro c 3 2
Ranunculus sp. pro w C 2 1
Ranunculus Subgenus Batrachium pro c 1 1
Raphanus raphanistrum pro c 2 1
Rubus fruticosus agg. pro c 7 3
Rumex sp. pro c 2 1
Sonchus sp. pro w C 1 1
Taraxacum officinale agg. pro w S3 2 1
Trifolium sp. pro c 4 2
Triticum sp. pro c N2 66 4
Umbelliferae pro c 1 1
Urtica dioica pro w C 10 3
Vicia cf. cracca pro c 1 1
Vicia cf. sativa pro c 2 1
Vicia faba pro c 4 2
Vicia hirsuta pro c 3 2
Vicia sp. pro c 61 4
Viola sp. pro w C 4 2

Sample: 1001b
Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
PR.SE.AS 1-10 charcoal spread charred material Anglo-Saxon 0920 0990

Context integrity: 2
Context preservation: bu
Dating method: C14
Dating validity: 2
Environmental interpretion: workmen's campfires on pre-rampart surface
Archaeological interpretion: food debris thrown into the fires

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Alnus/Corylus sp. cwd c p 1
Betula sp. cwd c p 1
Leguminosae cwd c N5 p 1
Pomoideae cwd c p 1
Quercus sp. cwd c p 1

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007