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ABCD: 1053

Townwall Roushill 58-9 Shrewsbury

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Townwall Roushill 58-9, Shrewsbury, 1962, Shropshire, England SJ492125
Period: medieval ?c. 1275-18th c
Category: town defences
Notes: peaty layer, mid 14th c, assoc. with layer against town wall
Topography: lowland
Condition: dry
Report type: macrofossil reports

Lambert C A. 1962. In: Sinker C A. 1961. Geographical and ecological implications of the excavation. 207-10. In: Barker P. Excavations on the Town Wall, Roushill, Shrewsbury. Medieval Archaeol. 5. 181-211. England, Shropshire

Processed by
CAL - Lambert, C A: (see CAD) Botany School, Cambridge

Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1053a PR.MD.HM 5A accumulation layer buff & pinkish clay medieval 1300 1400
1053b PR.MD.HM 3 layer black sandy silt medieval 1275 1300

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007