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ABCD: 114

Cissbury nr Worthing

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Cissbury, nr Worthing, 1931, Sussex (E & W), England TQ1402
Period: 4th c BC - 4th c AD
Category: camp
Notes: ?
Topography: ?
Condition: **
Report type: charcoal/wood

Maby J C. 1931. The charcoal. 31. In: Curwen E C and Ross-Williamson R P. The date of Cissbury Camp. Antiq. J. 11. 14. England, Sussex (E & W)

Processed by
JCM - Maby, J C: (1935)

Sample: 0114a

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Aesculus sp. cwd c + 1
Castanea sp. cwd c + 1
cf. Alnus sp. cwd c + 1
cf. Buxus sp. cwd c + 1
cf. Euonymus sp. cwd c + 1
cf. Populus sp. cwd c + 1
cf. Prunus sp. cwd c + 1
cf. Rhamnus sp. cwd c + 1
cf. Salix sp. cwd c + 1
Cornus sp. cwd c + 1
Corylus sp. cwd c + 1
Fagus sp. cwd c + 1
Fraxinus sp. cwd c + 1
Pyrus sp. cwd c + 1
Quercus sp. cwd c + 1
Ulex sp. cwd c + 1

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007