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ABCD: 1173

Gurness Orkney

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Gurness, Orkney, 1987, Orkney, Scotland HY302
Period: Ist millenium AD-10th cAD Pictish/Viking
Category: broch
Notes: dating v broad, poor report no info on sampling etc
Topography: coastal island
Condition: dry
Report type: macrofossil reports

Dickson C. 1987. The macroscopic plant remains. 314-6. In: Hedges J W (et al.). 1987. Bu, Gurness and the Brochs of Orkney. Part II Gurness. BAR BS 164. Scotland, Orkney

Processed by
CAD - Dickson, Camilla: Glasgow Univ (nee Lambert)

Sample: 1173a
Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
RO:PC:PR.SE GA77.273 ? ? pictish/viking 100 1000

Context integrity: 1
Context preservation: bu
Dating method: ?
Dating validity: 1
Environmental interpretion: -
Archaeological interpretion: -

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Avena strigosa flo c 16 3
Avena strigosa pro c 10 3
Betula sp. cwd c Q + 1
Calluna vulgaris cwd c + 1
Carex sp. pro c P 2 1
Cerealia clm c ! + 1
Corylus sp. cwd c Q + 1
Juncus sp. !!! c !! + 1
Lychnis flos-cuculi pro c 1 1
Picea sp. wwd ? Q2 + 1
Populus sp. cwd c Q + 1
Ranunculus flammula pro c 1 1
Salix sp. cwd c Q + 1
Sorbus aucuparia cwd c Q + 1
Spergula arvensis pro c 3 2
Ulmus sp. wwd ? Q3 + 1

[<< no details]


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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007