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ABCD: 79

Vindolanda (puff-balls) Chesterholme

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Vindolanda (puff-balls), Chesterholme, 1976, Northumberland, England NZ1067
Period: c AD 85-125 Roman
Category: ?
Notes: ?
Topography: ?
Condition: **
Report type: individual identifications

Watling R and Seaward M R D. 1976. Some observations on puff-balls from British archaeological sites. [Vindolanda] J. Archaeol. Sci. 3. 165-72. England, Northumberland

Processed by
MRS - Seaward, M R D: Bradford Univ

RW - Watling, R: RBGE

Sample: 0079a

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Bovista nigrescens ??? w + 1
Calvatia utriformis ??? w + 1

[<< no details]


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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007