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ABCD: Rumex acetosella agg.

Rumex acetosella agg. sheep's sorrel



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Site no Site Location Date Period
1544 Ower Farm Isle of Purbeck, Dorset, England 1991 13th c
Sample Period
1544a PR.MD.HM
1366 Holme Pierrepont nr Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England 1969 -
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1366a PH - caulking canoe caulking pre-historic ? ?
1624 The Bedern York 76-80 York, North Yorkshire, England 1986 ?
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1624a PR.SE.MS (3) pit/depression fills dark silty clays Anglian 580 900
1647 Thetford 73-80 Thetford, Norfolk, England 1984 ?
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1647b PR.SE.AS P15, P129, pit and ditch fills ? late Saxon ? ?
1938 High St & Blackfriargate 73-7 Kingston-upon-Hull, Humberside, England 1987 late 13th-mid 14th
Sample Period
1938a PR.MD.HM
1737 Watling Court City of London, Greater London, England 1991 early medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1737b PR.SE.AS Phase 4-5 pit fills ? Saxon-Norman ? ?
1737c PR.SE.AS Phase 4 occupation layers ? Saxon-Norman ? ?
1739 Peninsular House City of London, Greater London, England 1991 early mediaval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1739a PR.SE Phases 1-4 hearths/occupation layers ? Saxon-Norman ? ?
1013 Little Waltham r/c 71 nr Chelmsford, Essex, England 1978 early Bronze Age
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1013a PH.BA.EB 1 channel fill detritus mud/alluviu early Bronze Age ? ?
1288 Bunny nr Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England 1968 Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1288a RO.MR - well fill ? Roman 100 300
1417 Brean Down 83-7 Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, England 1990 Neolithic to post medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1417f PH.BA.MB:LB Unit 5b (1 occupation layer nr mid to late Bronze Age -2020 -840
1638 Runnymede 78 nr Egham, Berkshire, England 1992 Mesolithic-Neolithic-late Bronze Age
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1638e PH.BA.LB L19 midden nr late Bronze Age ? ?
1638h PH.BA.LB column WF1 channel deposits nr ??late Bronze Age? ? ?
1638b PH.BA.LB L24 channel sediment nr Late Bronze Age ? ?
1638c PH.BA.LB L20 channel sediment nr late Bronze Age ? ?
1736 Milk St City of London, Greater London, England 1991 early medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1736e PR.SE.AS Phase 2 occupation layers ? Saxon-Norman ? ?
1012 Dundas Wharf 82-3 Bristol, Avon, England 1987 medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1012a PR.MD.EM A buildup layer organic and alluvium medieval 1100 1225
1012b PR.MD.EM B buildup layer organic and alluvium medieval 1100 1250
1017 Watergate St 85 Chester, Cheshire, England 1988 Roman-medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1017a PR.MD.HM F9 pit fill organic dark brown mid 13th 1225 1275
1279 Dunston's Clump 81 Babworth, nr East Retford, Nottinghamshire, England 1988 late 1stcBC-3rdcAD
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1279a PH:RO.IA:RB Phase I & pit/post hole fills sandy Iron Age/Romano-British 50 50
1279b RO.RB Phase III feature fills sandy Romano-British 100 300
1306 St Aldates (33) Oxford, Oxfordshire, England 1984 Late Saxon 10th - 13th c
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1306b PR.SE.AS L409 fire layer charcoal layer/dark 11th c 1000 1100
1363 Tudor Merchant's House Quay St, Tenby, Dyfed, Wales 1990 post medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1363a PR.PM.16 1 pit fill mineralised organic post medieval 1500 1600
1631 South Shields 84 South Shields, Tyne and Wear, England 1988 Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1631a RO.RM 12236 layer clay & clay silt wit Roman 210 275
1636 Whitton , Glamorgan (W, M & S), Wales 1981 Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1636a RO.RN W70 L13a & well fill nr Roman 300 350
1636b RO ? well fill nr ?Roman ? ?
1443 St Barnabas Hospital 77 Thetford, Norfolk, England 1984 late Saxon(9/10th) to 19th c AD
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1443a PR.SE.AS comb pit fills sand/low organic Late Saxon 900 1050
1527 Magistrates Court Norwich Norwich (Whitefriars St site), Norfolk, England 1988 ?
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1527i PR.MD.EM:HM Period 2 pit & gully fills nr medieval 1100 1300
1395 Borough High St (64-70) Southwark, Greater London, England 1988 ?Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1395a RO.RN.? (9) stream fill nr ?Roman - -
1616 General Accident York 83-4 York, 24-30 Tanner Row, North Yorkshire, England 1990 roman-AS-medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1616f RO.MR Period 6 ( occupation layers/buildup - Roman 175 250
1616b RO.MR Period 2 ( buildup & ditch fill - Roman 125 175
1616g RO.LR Period 7 ( well fill - Roman 225 350
1616c RO.MR Period 3 ( feature fills, buildups & - Roman 150 200
1616d RO.MR Period 4 ( organic accumulation/buil - Roman 150 200
1616j PR.MD.EM:HM Period 11 pit fills - early medieval 1100 1300
1616k PR.MD.EM:HM Period 12 pit or well fills - Medieval 1200 1300
1616e RO.MR Period 5 ( organic accumulation organic Roman 175 200
1616i PR.SE:MD.AS:EM Period 9 ( pit fills - Anglo-Scand/Norman 1000 1200
1638 Runnymede 78 nr Egham, E, London: British Museum. 1992 Mesolithic-Neolithic-late Bronze Age
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1638e PH.BA.LB L19 midden nr late Bronze Age ? ?
1638h PH.BA.LB column WF1 channel deposits nr ??late Bronze Age? ? ?
1638b PH.BA.LB L24 channel sediment nr Late Bronze Age ? ?
1638c PH.BA.LB L20 channel sediment nr late Bronze Age ? ?
1926 Eastgate Beverley 83-86 Beverley, Humberside, England 1992 Anglian-medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1926a PR.SE:MD Phase 1 extensive layer sandy silt pre 8thc ? 750
1221 Little Waltham 70-1 nr Chelmsford, Essex, England 1978 Iron Age - medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1221a PH.IA C11 wall trench fill clay Iron Age -250 -300
1221b RO.RN F339 L10 well fill grey sludge/grey sil Roman 200 300
1445 Whitefriars St 79 Norwich, Norfolk, England 1983 Saxon and medieval 10th-early 13th
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1445c PR.SE:MD.AS:EM Period III pit fill & layer black silty loam Saxon & medieval 1075 1200
1445a PR.SE:MD.? Period I ( accumulation layers sand layer Saxon 830 990
1445b PR.SE.AS Period II accumulation layers organic/humic/silty/ Saxon 975 1100
1524 Gallows Hill 78-9 Thetford, Norfolk, England 1986 ?
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1524a PH.? 8 (1) layer/deposit charred plant materi ?Iron Age or Roman ? ?
1405 Halfpenny Lane 89 Cleeve-Didcote pipeline (nr Goring), Oxfordshire, England 1989 ?
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1405a PH.IA.MI (15) pit fills nr middle Iron Age ? ?
1619 Skeldergate York 73-5 York, North Yorkshire, England 1978 Roman-medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1619a RO.MR.LR (?13) well fill sands & silts pink b late Roman 100 400
1619b PH:RO.ER 2356 buried soil humic stained sandy Roman or immediatly pre-Roman -30 250
1620 Lloyds Bank York 72-3 6-8 Pavement, York, North Yorkshire, England 1983 ?
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1620a PR.SE.AS (43) layers/?occupation floors - Anglo-Scand 900 1100
1621 Coppergate 74 York, North Yorkshire, England 1983 Roman-Anglo-Scand-medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1621a PR.SE:MD.AS:EM Area N ?floor layers nr AS-Norman & medieval ? ?
1621d PR.SE:MD Area E layers nr AS-Norman & medieval ? ?
1621b PR.SE:MD Area S wattle layers nr AS-Norman & medieval ? ?
1621c PR.SE:MD Area B wattle layers nr AS-Norman & medieval ? ?
1734 Abbots Worthy nr Winchester, Hampshire, England 1992 middle Saxon
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1734b PR.SE.AS ? large pits ? Anglo-Saxon ? ?
1734c PR.SE.AS ? pits ? Anglo-Saxon ? ?
1734d PR.SE.AS - pits ? Anglo-Saxon ? ?
1595 Friernhay St Exeter 81 Exeter, Devon, England 1984 Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1595a RO.RM.ER (4) ditch fills nr Roman 000 200
1492 Tanyard Lane 77 Steyning, Sussex (E & W), England 1979 late Saxon-late medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1492b PR.MD.EM 49/66/88 features ? early medieval ? ?
1546 Collfryn 80-2 Llansantffraid Deuddwr, Welshpool, Powys, Wales 1989 3rd c BC Iron Age to medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1546c RO.RB (7) ? nr Romano-British ? ?
1546b PH.IA (7) ? nr Iron Age ? ?
1359 Stackpole Warren 77-9 nr Pembroke, Dyfed, Wales 1990 Mesolithic-roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1359a PH.BA.EB com feature fills nr early Bronze Age -1760 -1260
1374 Oakbank Crannog Loch Tay, Tayside, Scotland 1988 Bronze Age/Iron Age transition
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1374a PH.BA:IA.BI com occupation layers organic Bronze Age/Iron Age transition -705 -200
1389 Hengistbury Head 70-85 nr Christchurch, Dorset, England 1987 Upper Palaeolithic to late Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1389a PH.IA.EI.MI com - nr early to mid Iron Age ? ?
1389d PH:RO.IA:RN.LI:ER com - nr late Iron Age/Roman & Roman ? ?
1389e ND com - nr undated ? ?
1389c PH.IA.LI com - nr late Iron Age ? ?
1389b PH.IA.LI com - nr late Iron Age ? ?
1623 The Bedern York 76-80 York, North Yorkshire, England 1986 ?
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1623a RO (4) well fill matrix of course san Roman 300 450
1928 Speke Hall 81-2 nr Liverpool, Merseyside, England 1992 med-post-med
Sample Period Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1928a PR.MD:PM.LM:16 moat fill organic silty sand late med/post-med 1475 1550
1723 Grove Priory nr Bedford, Bedfordshire, England 1991 medieval 13th cAD
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1723a PR.MD.HM - kiln floor layer charcoal, loam & ash medieval 1200 1300
1627 Sewer Lane 74 Kingston-upon-Hull, Humberside, England 1977 ?
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1627a PR.MD.LM Phase II P pit fill organic medieval 1400 1500
1627c PR.PM.16:17 Phase V P4 pit fill/watercourse organic post medieval 1575 1650
1920 Coppergate 76-81 York, North Yorkshire, England 1995 Roman-Anglo-Scand-medieval
Sample Period Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1920b PR.SE.AS combined data ? Anglo-Scand ???? ????
1920a PR.SE.AS combined data ? Anglo-Scand ???? ????
1674 Asheldham Camp 85 Dengie Peninsula, Essex, England 1991 early Iron Age
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1674a PH.IA.? Trench F ( post hole & pit fills nr early Iron Age ? ?
1002 Cowick 76 nr Snaith, Humberside, England 1989 late medieval, post 1321
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1002a PR.MD.LM 51 moat fill organic late-medieval 1323 1500
1011 West Stow (Saxon) 65-72 nr Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England 1985 Saxon
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1011a RO. WS472 pit fill nr Roman ? ?
1011b PR.SE.AS WSSFB63 SFB nr Anglo-Saxon 0 0
1011f PR.SE.AS WSWSFB143 SFB nr Anglo-Saxon 0 0
1129 Murton High Crags nr Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland, England 1987 prehist - RB & later/1000BC-2nd/3rd cAD
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1129a PH.IA COM feature fills nr pre-Roman Iron Age -1000 0000
1174 Bu Orkney, Orkney, Scotland 1987 Iron Age
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1174a PH.IA 279-290 Ph floor layers/middens nr Iron Age -803 -456
1044 Hen Domen 60-74 Montgomery, Powys, Wales 1982 pre-Conquest/medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1044a PR.MD.HM F1/27 pit fill organic medieval 1223 1300
1394 Faccenda Farm 83 nr Alchester, Bicester, Oxfordshire, England 1984 Roman late 1st-early 3rd
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1394a RO.RN.ER (3) ditch & pit fills dark brown organic l Roman 075 150
1617 Rougier St York 81 York, North Yorkshire, England 1990 Roman-AS-medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1617f RO.ER Group 6 (5 road layers - Roman 175 200
1617a RO.MR Group 1 (7 ditch fill - Roman 150 200
1617e RO.ER Group 5 (7 granary layers burnt material Roman 175 200
1617c RO.ER Group 3 (1 ditch fill - Roman 150 200
1617b RO.ER Group 2 (3 ditch fill - Roman 150 200
1738 Well Court City of London, Greater London, England 1991 10th or early 11th c
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1738a PR.SE Phase 3-4 oven/hearth deposits ash Saxon-Norman ? ?
1597 Briar Hill 74-8 nr Northampton, Northamptonshire, England 1985 Neolithic - Bronze Age - Iron Age
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1597c PH.IA 194 ditch fill carbon-rich Iron Age ? ?

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