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This paper was first written in early 2001 and has been thoroughly revised several times, most recently in October 2003. I am grateful to Carol McDavid for organising a session at the SHA conference in January 2001 in Long Beach where a first version of this paper was presented, to Jeremy Huggett and Seamus Ross for organising the Glasgow conference in September 2001 where I presented a second version, and to everybody who contributed to the discussion after both presentations. Special thanks also to the following: Leslie Chan and his team at CITD, University of Toronto, for making my electronic monograph permanently available online and improving it in many respects; all those who sent me feed-back by email (but have been rendered anonymous here); Kathryn Denning for a lot of very good advice over the years, and for being so reliably and constructively critical towards my wilder kind of ideas; Christopher Chippindale and Stefanie Samida for reading earlier drafts of this paper and making helpful comments; and David Wheatley for providing a useful critical commentary.


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© Internet Archaeology URL: http://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue15/11/acknow.html
Last updated: Wed Jan 28 2004