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Appendix 1

A list of suggested 'Locations' or diagnostic zones by Element based on the caprine skeleton.

Caudal articular surface; Cranial articular surface; Dorsal arch; Dorsal tubercle; Transverse process; Ventral arch

Caudal articular process; Caudal extremity; Centrum; Cranial articular process; Dens; Neural arch; Spinous process; Transverse process; Ventral crest

Caudal Vertebrae
Caudal articular process; Centrum; Cranial articular process; Neural arch; Spinous process; Transverse process

Cervical Vertebrae
Caudal articular process; Caudal extremity; Centrum; Cranial articular process; Cranial extremity; Neural arch; Spinous process; Transverse process

Distal shaft; Greater trochanter; Head; Lateral condyle; Lateral epicondyle; Lesser trochanter; Medial condyle; Medial epicondyle; Mid-shaft; Neck; Proximal shaft; Supracondylar fossa; Patella surface

Capitulum; Deltoid tuberosity; Distal shaft; Head; Lateral condyle; Major tubercle; Medial condyle; Mid-shaft; Minor tubercle; Neck; Olecranon fossa; Proximal shaft; Radial fossa; Trochlea

Lumbar Vertebrae
Caudal articular process; Caudal extremity; Centrum; Cranial articular process; Cranial extremity; Neural arch; Spinous process; Transverse process

Angle of ramus; Articular condyle; Body; Coranoid process; Diastema; Lower border; Symphasis

Distal shaft; Lateral condyle; Lateral proximal articular surface; Medial condyle; Medial proximal articular surface; Mid-shaft; Proximal shaft

Distal shaft; Lateral condyle; Lateral proximal articular surface; Medial condyle; Medial proximal articular surface; Mid-shaft; Proximal shaft

Distal shaft; Lateral condyle; Lateral proximal articular surface; Medial condyle; Medial proximal articular surface; Mid-shaft; Proximal shaft

Acetabulum ilium; Acetabulum ishium; Acetabulum pubis; Coxal tuber; Ilium blade; Ilium shaft; Ishial body; Ishial table; Ishiatic spine; Ishiatic tuberosity; Pubic body; Pubic symphasis; Sacral tuber

Distal articular surface; Distal shaft; Proximal articular surface; Proximal shaft;

Distal shaft; Internal carpal facet; Lateral glenoid cavity; Medial glenoid cavity; Mid-shaft; Proximal shaft; Radial carpal facet; Radial tuberosity

Body; Head; Tubercle

Acromion; Coracoid process; Glenoid cavity; Infraspinous fossa; Neck; Spine; Supraglenoid tubercle; Supraspinous fossa

Thoracic Vertebrae
Caudal articular process; Caudal costal facet; Caudal extremity (centrum); Centrum; Cranial articular process; Cranial costal facet; Cranial extremity (centrum); Neural arch; Spinous process; Transverse process; Tubercular facet

Anterior crest; Distal shaft; Intercondylar eminence; Lateral condyle; Lateral trochlear groove; Medial condyle; Medial malleolus; Medial trochlear groove; Mid-shaft; Proximal shaft; Tibial tuberosity

Anconeal process; Coronoid process; Distal shaft; Mid-shaft; Olecranon; Olecranon tuberosity; Proximal shaft; Semi-lunar notch; Styloid process

Notes on Locations

  1. Proximal, Mid and Distal shafts: While not precisely defined, the designation Mid-shaft should be thought to represent the middle 50% of a long bone shaft while the Proximal and Distal portions make up the remaining 25% of the proximal and distal ends respectively. A general category of Shaft may also be useful when a fragment can be identified to element but its precise location is unknown, as is often the case for metapodial shafts.
  2. Non-specific element categories should also be available for the frequent occasions when the exact element can not be determined. The categories should be as specific as possible, for example: Long Bone Shaft, Cranial, Vertebrae and Unidentifiable.

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Last updated: Wed Mar 16 2005