Welsh Roundhouses: House Data

Single house record for Cefn Du

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Record number: 1
Site name:Cefn Du
Site number: 20
Location: S1
Earliest radiocarbon date: -410
Latest radiocarbon date: 720
Approx. early date: -500
Approx. late date: 140
% excavated: 75-100%
Internal diameter: 8.2
Area: 52.8
Shape: oval
Evidence of repair:Yes
Repair/Rebuild details: drains and roof, re-orientation of entrance E-SE, internal
Wall material: earth and rubble wall, stone revetment, turf roof
Stone wall: Yes
Cob or clay: Yes
Rubble/earth core:Yes
Width of outer wall: 1.5
Internal post ring:Yes
Periphery width: 1.35
Central zone area: 23.8
Hearth: Yes
Hearth details: 0.75m wide, shallow, burnt clay, charcoal; then three stones; then flat stones overlain by burnt clay. (archmagnetic date for hearth 3, 120-170AD)
Floor details: several layers silts, charcoal, clay, chaff
Other features:Yes
Feature details:flat stone, mortar front left
Door orientation: SE
Internal width: 2.4
Annexe details: 9 post structure, house 2
Lithics and production: o wall
Querns, mortars, grindstones: o wall
Vessels: various
Peronal adornment: unknown
After use: abandoned, turf roof collapse, late Roman finds, then made into field clearance cairn. Area used for malting barley (radiocarbon)
Notes:Radiocarbon too late. Mid to late Iron Age to c. 2nd AD. Granary in use during c. 2nd AD


© Internet Archaeology/Authors URL: http://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue23/1/house.cfm
Last updated: Mon Nov 26 2007