Welsh Roundhouses: House Data

Single house record for Dinorben

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Record number: 158
Site name:Dinorben
Site number: 35
Location: hut 18
Approx. early date:
Approx. late date: 250
% excavated:
Internal diameter: 8.4
Area: 55.4
Evidence of repair:Yes
Repair/Rebuild details: Possibly two successive occupation layers: lower smaller diameter. Two hearths
Hearth: Yes
Hearth details: seen in section, upper and lower. Earliest oblong with laid flagstones, two up-ended stones and a pebble. Later clay hearth central, circular with stone edging
Occupation deposits: Yes
Other ground stone: hearth
Vessels: hearth
Coins: various
Textile production: unknown
Other craft production: unknown
Metalworking FE: hearth
After use: late Roman occupation, stony surface with deposit including third century coin scatter, late R pot and iron objects, animal bones (radiocarbon V-177 relates to this)
Notes:cut through in section of overlying NE (period III) rampart XLIV 1965 'grey powdery earth and animal bone' lower fill of hut. Below rampart period III-IV. Worked antler and spindle whorl in upper layer


© Internet Archaeology/Authors URL: http://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue23/1/house.cfm
Last updated: Mon Nov 26 2007