Welsh Roundhouses: House Data

Single house record for Cefn Cwmwd

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Record number: 5
Site name:Cefn Cwmwd
Site number: 19
Location: S6
Earliest radiocarbon date: -50
Latest radiocarbon date: 340
Approx. early date: 20
Approx. late date: 300
% excavated: 75-100%
Internal diameter: c. 8m
Area: 50
Shape: oval
Wall material: arc of 9 post-pits only
Internal post ring:Yes
Hearth: Yes
Hearth details: to southwest, external to later house, one dated 40BC-AD120. Two others this phase F406 and F706. Two hearths in main phase: one external to SW of house (F406) shallow pit with clay lining and charcoal dated 50BC-240AD with c. 3rd coin;
Floor details: fragmentary
Occupation deposits: Yes
External hearth: Yes
Querns, mortars, grindstones: various
Vessels: unknown
Briquetage: various
Coins: hearth
Textile production: unknown
Metalworking unknown: unknown
Pre-house activity: pits and hollow, probably a hearth with briquetage, dated 40BC - 120AD archaeomagnetic dating. Cereal grains in pit associated with this dated AD20 - 340.
After use: c. 3rd AD Roman coin hoard in rubble, frag of D ware (early medieval). Sealed by silt
Notes:later finds all from rubble


© Internet Archaeology/Authors URL: http://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue23/1/house.cfm
Last updated: Mon Nov 26 2007