Welsh Roundhouses: House Data

Single house record for Cefn Cwmwd

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Record number: 9
Site name:Cefn Cwmwd
Site number: 19
Location: S5
Earliest radiocarbon date: -380
Latest radiocarbon date: 410
Approx. early date: 200
Approx. late date: 400
% excavated: 75-100%
Internal diameter: 5.6
Area: 24.6
Shape: circular
Repair/Rebuild details: several phases
Wall material: wide stone spread with inner face of rounded stones, rubble and earth core, possible clay wall
Stone wall: Yes
Cob or clay: Yes
Rubble/earth core:Yes
Width of outer wall: 1.4
Hearth: Yes
Hearth details: small pit associated with burning, central location (F742)
Floor details: stony and clay, several layers
Occupation deposits: Yes
Vessels: unknown
Briquetage: unknown
Peronal adornment: unknown
Pre-house activity: sub-circular pits in linear band NW/SE: a boundary? Dated 360BC - AD60. Briquetage, earlier radiocarbon.
After use: rubble sealing house contained c. 3rd to 4th RB pottery, c. 5th to 7th brooch to NW. Cut by later drain or gully
Notes:internal gullies concentric with walls. Early dates could be residual material. 6 Roman glass beads in drain.


© Internet Archaeology/Authors URL: http://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue23/1/house.cfm
Last updated: Mon Nov 26 2007