
The Viking and Anglo-Saxon Landscape and Economy Project was a three-year project funded by the AHRC (formerly AHRB) from 2004-7 under research grant APN18370. This electronic publication of the project results has been facilitated by an additional AHRC dissemination award. Further support, particularly towards the fieldwork aspects of the project, was provided by the Department of Archaeology, at the University of York.

The research project was designed and led by Julian Richards. John Naylor and latterly Caroline Holas-Clark were employed as research assistants. The authors are grateful to the large number of organisations and individuals who gave their time and support to the project. Mark Blackburn at the Fitzwilliam Museum, and Roger Bland and Daniel Pett at the Portable Antiquities Scheme, gave particular support and encouragement. The VASLE Advisory Committee comprised Mark Blackburn, Tania Dickinson, David Haldenby, Simon Holmes (succeeded by Beth Ecthenacher and Liz Andrews-Wilson), and Helen Geake.

Numerous Finds Liaison Officers (FLOs) and the staff of county Sites and Monument records (SMRs) and Historic Environment Records (HERs) gave freely of their time and information, as did academic and professional friends and colleagues. Alice Cattermole, Adam Daubney, Dave Griffiths, Simon Holmes, Kevin Leahy, Chris Loveluck, John Newman, Tim Pestell, Rob Philpott, Andrew Rogerson, Gabor Thomas, and Leslie Webster each deserve particular thanks, although they are not responsible for the outstanding flaws. Hanne Sheeran has kindly agreed to the inclusion of the case-study based on equestrian equipment, originally written as part of an unpublished MA dissertation at the University of York. Gary Nobles assisted with the development of the final figures and interactive mapping used in this report. Emma Macalister-Hall undertook initial background information collection for the sites included in Section 4.4.

Finally, we would like to thank all those metal-detector users who made this work possible by acting responsibly and reporting their finds through the Portable Antiquities Scheme, and especially Mark Ainsley, Geoffrey Bambrook, David Haldenby, and Ian Postlethwaite.


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Last updated: Tues Apr 21 2009