6.2 Arroux Valley fabric classification

The Arroux valley pottery has been classified according to standard principles of fabric description into a number of fabrics, which may be grouped together as amphorae, terra sigillata, coarsewares, and finewares. In order to complement the Beuvray fabric classifications the specific Arroux Valley fabrics have also been placed within the broader classes outlined by Paunier et al. (1994). The Beuvray fabrics cannot, however, be directly paralleled in the Arroux valley material and therefore, while the identifications are based on the Beuvray terminology, these should not be considered direct parallels.

Amphora | Terra sigillata | Romanised (white and orange) oxidised coarsewares | Grey coarsewares | Red (Oxidised) coarsewares | Black-grey (Reduced) coarsewares | Finewares

Amphora (Beuvray: AMP) - (Section 6.5)

Terra sigillata (Beuvray: TSG) - (Section 6.4)


W. Romanised (white and orange) oxidised coarsewares

W1a White-orange, oxidised fabric with possible reddish painted? exterior but too badly eroded to be sure. Common inclusions of iron and sparse inclusions of quartz and mica.
Example: UF18, rim of large storage vessel (Fig. 80, 18)
Beuvray: PCMFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman
W1b Cream-white fabric with frequent quartz inclusions. Very occasional grog. Has affinities with W5 but does not have the large number of red-grog inclusions seen in W5 or the grey un-oxidised interior. Some indications of red-orange colour coat on exterior and interior surfaces.
Example: UF75, rim of open-mouthed jar (Fig. 85, 46)
Beuvray: PCMFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman
W2 Orange fabric with occasional patchy reduced grey exterior. Grey margins. Very few inclusions, rare iron and fine mica. Found in thin-walled wheel-thrown flagon forms.
Example: UF18, body sherd of thin-walled vessel (flagon?) (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PCCRU
Date: Gallo-Roman
W3a Orange fabric with few inclusions. Sparse iron inclusions and rare quartz inclusions. Found in wheel-thrown flagons forms.
Example: UF34, body sherd of wheel-turned vessel of uncertain type (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PCCRU
Date: Gallo-Roman
W3b Brick-orange fabric similar to W3 but darker in colour and with occasional charcoal inclusions. Found in wheel-thrown flagon forms.
Example: UF64, flagon base (not illustrated).
Beuvray: PCCRU
Date: Gallo-Roman
W4 Light orange fabric of soapy, soft texture. Very few inclusions. Probably associated with flagon forms?, wheel-thrown.
Example: UF33, possibly a very abraded rim sherd of bowl/platter? with flattened rim, wheel-made (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PCCRU
Date: Gallo-Roman
W5 White-orange-beige fabric, frequent inclusions of red grog temper (up to 1.5mm diam), occasional charcoal temper, occasional small quartz (up to 1mm). Core of the interior light grey. Similar to W1? Found in jar and flagon forms?
Example: UF34, base of jar?/flagon? (Fig. 89, 75)
Beuvray: PCMIFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman
W6a Dark orange fabric with very few inclusions, v. occasional white mica temper, v. occasional air holes. Surface is either lighter orangey and, on some examples (Fig. 89, 65, 72, 73), has evidence of grey colour coat on surface. Appears to be predominantly in flagon/pitcher forms.
Example: UF15, complete rim of flagon (Fig. 81, 21) (cf. Fig. 89, 65, 72, 73)
Beuvray: PCCRU
Date: Gallo-Roman
W6b Dark orange fine hard fabric with grey surface. Similar to W6a but has large number of small quartz inclusions. Exterior surface highly polished grey with frequent mica. Found in flagon forms.
Example: UF64, part of flagon rim (Fig. 89, 63).
Beuvray: PCCRU
Date: Gallo-Roman
W6c Similar to above but with dark-red fabric with blue-grey exterior margin and exterior surface. Fine and hard fabric. Similar to W6a but has large number of small voids (0.2mm) (distinguishing it from W6a) and frequent mica. Exterior surface highly polished grey with frequent mica. Found in flagon forms.
Example: UF10, body sherd not illustrated
Beuvray: PCCRU
Date: Gallo-Roman
W6d Cream-orange fabric with grey-brown reduced exterior and grey colour coat. Inclusions of red-orange grog (<0.3mm) and occasional voids (<0.3mm). Found in small flagon forms.
Example: UF41, base of flagon? (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PCCRU
Date: Gallo-Roman
W7a Orange fabric, very coarse and micaceous. Frequent inclusions of quartz (up to 1.5mm), very common inclusions of red pot temper (up to 2mm), occasional small (less than 1mm) charcoal, common mica inclusions (up to 0.5mm). Appears to be in flagon form? Very coarse ware for these forms (surface on example is completely eroded). Similarities to some R fabrics.
Example: UF75, base of poss. flagon (Fig. 89, 74)
Beuvray: PCMIFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman
W7b Similar to W7a. Coarse red-orange fabric with frequent inclusions of mica and charcoal.
Example: UF78, uncertain form (not illustrated).
Beuvray: PCMIFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman
W7c Similar to W7b but coarser fabric. Also has affinities with some of the coarse R fabrics. Red-orange interior fabric with red-brick exterior/interior margins.
Example: UF65, rim of a lid? (Fig. 78, 6)
Beuvray: PCMIFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman
W8 Grey core with exterior red-orange oxidised surface. Frequent white inclusions. This may be oxidised G5.
Example: UF78, body sherd (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PCMIFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman
W9 Creamy-orange fabric similar to W4 and W3. Contains frequent white inclusions and occasional charcoal. Found in flagon forms.
Example: UF64, body sherd (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PCCRU
Date: Gallo-Roman
W10 Pale cream-orange fabric with few inclusions, occasional mica. Hard fabric found in flagon forms. Rare.
Example: UF65, body sherd (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PCCRU
Date: Gallo-Roman
W11 Creamy-beige fabric with occasional mica, occasional quartz (>1mm), and white stone inclusions.
Example: UF65, body sherd (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PCCRU
Date: Gallo-Roman
W12 Cream-white fabric with large inclusions of sandstone (<4mm), quartz inclusions (>2mm) and frequent mica. The surface has red colour coat remnants.
Example: UF44 (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PCGROS
Date: Gallo-Roman

G. Grey coarsewares

G1a Light blue-grey fabric. Hard fired with rare iron inclusions, stone inclusions (<0.5mm) and occasional voids (<0.5mm).
Examples: UF34, rim sherd of storage jar with flattened rim, wheel-made (Fig. 85, 47)
Beuvray: PG
Date: Gallo-Roman
G1b Dark blue-grey fabric with mid-grey exterior/interior surfaces. Frequent white stone and charcoal inclusions with very occasional mica. Variant of G1a.
Example: UF33, rim of flagon (Fig. 89, 69)
Beuvray: PG
Date: Gallo-Roman
G1c Dark blue-grey fabric with same range of inclusions as G1. Hard fired compared to G1a/b.
Example: UF65, body sherd (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PG
Date: Gallo-Roman
G2 Light orangey-grey fabric with reduced dark grey exterior. Sandy soft texture. Sparse iron inclusions, rare small quartz inclusions and rare mica inclusions. Found in thin-walled wheel-thrown vessel.
Example: UF10, thin-walled body sherd (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PG
Date: Gallo-Roman
G3a Orangey-grey interior fabric with light grey oxidised exterior. Few inclusions but rare iron inclusions (causing iron staining). Rare grey quartz inclusions. Seen in wheel-made forms (some similarities to fabric W2).
Example: UF34, rim of jar (Fig. 45, 45)
Beuvray: PG
Date: Gallo-Roman
G3b Beige-grey buff fabric with margins and interior/exterior of light-cream grey. Exterior of example vessel has blue-grey colour coat on exterior (not visible on interior). Frequent linear voids (<2mm), white stone (<1mm), and occasional mica inclusions. Similar to G3a, but also to G6 and has affinities to R8c but not as coarse as the last.
Examples: UF15, rim sherd (Fig. 80, 14), and tripod vessel (Fig. 81, 22) - these may be the same vessel
Beuvray: PG
Date: Gallo-Roman
G4a Yellow-beige fabric with occasional large grog temper and occasional small quartz (1mm). Blue-grey exterior and interior surface. Seen in wheel-thrown (lid?) and flagon/pitcher forms?
Example: UF15, rim of jar (Fig. 81, 25)
Beuvray: PG
Date: Gallo-Roman
G4b Similar to G4a. White-grey fabric with fewer inclusions. Occasional small (<0.5mm white - chalk? limestone?) inclusions and very occasional small quartz inclusions. Blue-grey exterior and interior surfaces and margins similar to G4a and G1.
Example: UF75, rim sherd (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PG
Date: Gallo-Roman
G5 Dark grey with frequent small quartz inclusions (less than 1mm) and occasional mica. Hard fired standard colour/fabric throughout.
Example: UF15, lid? (Fig. 81, 24).
Beuvray: PG
Date: Gallo-Roman
G6 White-beige grey clay with dark blue-grey exterior. Coarse fabric with inclusions, common mica (up to 1mm diam), common small quartz inclusions (up to 1mm diam), occasional red-pot temper (up to 0.5mm), common air holes. Wheel-thrown bowl form.
Example: UF15, rim of bowl (Fig. 80, 12)
Beuvray: PG
Date: Gallo-Roman
G7 Blue-grey fabric with frequent well-sorted inclusions including occasional mica and quartz (<0.5mm), charcoal (<0.2mm), and occasional grey grog? Hard coarse-textured fabric. Rare; forms may suggest an early Roman date.
Example: UF78, flagon (Fig. 92, 93); UF100, jar (Fig. 93, 98)
Beuvray: PG
Date: Gallo-Roman
G8 Dark blue-grey fabric with interior/exterior buff-grey margins. Coarse fabric with frequent black inclusions and occasional mica. Rare.
Example: UF80, body sherd (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PG
Date: Gallo-Roman
G9 Light grey fabric with very frequent inclusions of chalk/limestone (<1.5mm) and dark grey grog/stone. Very coarse fabric. Rare.
Example: UF86, rim of ?jar (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PG
Date: Gallo-Roman or later?

R. Red (Oxidised) coarsewares

R1a Brown-blue-grey fabric with orange-red oxidised exterior and margins. Frequent inclusions. Common angular quartz inclusions up to 2-3mm diameter. Sparse charcoal temper and rare inclusions of rounded iron, sparse mica. Sometimes in wheel-thrown forms and also in hand-made forms? Very coarse, common fabric in storage vessels predominantly.
Example: UF19, rim of large storage vessel (Fig. 91, 87)
Beuvray: PSGROS
Date: late La Tène?-Gallo-Roman
R1b Dark blue-grey fabric with oxidised orange-beige surfaces and margins. Frequent inclusions of quartz (<4mm), charcoal (<1mm), red grog (<2mm), and linear organic voids (1-3mm); mica also present. A coarse ?hand-made fabric. Found predominantly in storage vessels. Close parallel to R1a.
Example: UF18 (Fig. 80, 20)
Beuvray: PSGROS (cf. PCGROSCN)
Date: late La Tène-early Gallo-Roman
R2 Yellow-brown-grey fabric with oxidised beige-brown exterior. Abundant inclusions of large angular (up to 8mm) ironstone, sorted. Very common inclusions of large angular quartz (1mm-6mm). Sparse inclusions of mica. Appears to occur in wheel-made forms but may also be in hand-made forms.
Example: UF34, rim of storage vessel (Fig. 86, 50)
Beuvray: PCGROS
Date: Gallo-Roman
R3 Orange-brown fabric with beige exterior surfaces. Frequent inclusions of quartz (<3mm), mica, common charcoal (<1mm) and organic voids.
Example: UF78, rim sherd of storage vessel (Fig. 92, 95)
Beuvray: PCGROS
Date: Gallo-Roman
R4 Yellow-orange grey fabric. Firing on exterior is varied: black-grey to beige-yellow in areas. Iron stone inclusions (up to 1mm), frequent large mica inclusions (up to 2mm), occasional quartz inclusions (up to 1mm). Seen in a range of wheel-thrown forms.
Examples: UF75, rim of bowl? (Fig. 90, 76); UF75, rim of pitcher/flagon? (Fig. 87, 60); UF33 rim of jar (Fig. 85, 39)
Beuvray: PCGROS
Date: late La Tène-Gallo-Roman
R5a White-yellow-beige exterior with a core of light grey. Common large (1-3mm) quartz inclusions, occasional red pot temper (up to 1.5mm diam.). Common mica inclusions between 0.1-0.5mm diam. Occasional small charcoal inclusions. In wheel-made forms. Affinities with R8 group.
Example: UF75, rim of bowl (Fig. 83, 28, 31); UF34 storage jar (Fig. 88, 61)
Beuvray: PCGROS
Date: Gallo-Roman
R5b Mid-grey fabric with brown-grey to beige exterior and interior surfaces. Highly micaceous, with less quartz than other coarsewares, occasional grog. Note the similarities to fabrics in B, especially B5. Found in similar forms to R5a.
Example: UF75 (not illustrated); UF34 (Fig. 83, 32)
Beuvray: PGMIFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman
R5c Pale grey fabric with dark grey exterior margin. Exterior surfaces brown-beige oxidised. Frequent inclusions dominated by quartz (<3mm), charcoal (<1mm) and grog (<1mm). Similar to R5b. In wheel-thrown forms, possibly also hand-made forms?
Example: UF18, rim of inturned vessel (Fig. 80, 11)
Beuvray: PGMIFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman
R6 Orange-brown. Occasional large (up to 2mm) inclusions of charcoal. Frequent small mica (less than 0.5mm) and very occasional quartz inclusions (large up to 1.5mm diam). Similar to R3 in fabric but more orangey clay.
Example: UF78, rim of jar (Fig. 92, 92)
Beuvray: PCMIFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman
R7 Dark orangey-brown interior with a thin core of black-brown clay. White-beige exterior surface. Coarse fabric with frequent white and grey quartz inclusions (up to 1mm diam.) and occasional mica. In pitcher forms.
Example: UF64, rim of pitcher (Fig. 89, 70)
Beuvray: PGMIFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman
R8 Pinky-orange-beige clay. Frequent inclusions of quartz between 0.5mm and 3mm diam. Common dark orange-red pot temper up to 1mm diam. Occasional mica and occasional small charcoal inclusions. Similar fabric make-up and to some extent colour to R2 and more so R5. Found in wheel-made bowl forms.
Example: UF75, rim of bowl (Fig. 83, 27)
Beuvray: PCGROS
Date: Gallo-Roman
R8b Very similar fabric to R8 but has a dark blue-grey core in the rim. Inclusions of beige-pink fabric, as R8. Found in wheel-thrown small jars.
Example: UF78, rim of small jar (Fig. 92, 91)
Beuvray: PCGROS
Date: Gallo-Roman
R8c Dark grey fabric with white-beige margins and exterior/interior surfaces. Common inclusions of charcoal (<1mm), occasional white quartz (<0.3mm) and organic voids. Found in wheel-made bowl forms.
Example: UF78, rim of jar (Fig. 92, 89)
Beuvray: PCGROS
Date: Gallo-Roman
R9 Beige-yellow-grey interior with blue-grey exterior coat in places. Similar coat to G4 but yellower-beige fabric. Also some similarities to R5 and in similar bowl forms. Inclusions include occasional large (up to 2mm diam.) quartz, very occasional small mica, occasional white stone temper.
Example: UF84, rim of bowl (Fig. 82, 26)
Beuvray: PCMIFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman
R10a Cream-white coarse fabric with common inclusions of iron oxide (?charcoal), frequent quartz inclusions (up to 3mm diam), occasional small (orange) grog inclusions. Orange-white margins to the fabric. Some similarities to R5.
Example: UF75, rim of inturned pot (Fig. 83, 34)
Beuvray Fabric: PCMIFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman
R10b Cream-orange-white fabric with frequent large quartz inclusions (<3mm), occasional orange grog inclusions (<1mm), charcoal. Occasional traces of orange colour coat. Similar to R10a.
Example: UF15, rim of jar (Fig. 80, 19)
Beuvray: PCMIFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman
R10c Pale blue-grey fabric with orange-cream margins and surfaces. Coarse with frequent inclusions of quartz (<3mm), black ?ironstone (<2mm), and occasional organic voids (<2mm). Some similarities with the Beuvray groups but not the same. Similar to R10a and has affinities with R1b and R8c. Found in simple bowl form.
Example: UF80, rim of mortarium? (Fig. 94, 100)
Beuvray fabric: PSGROS (cf. PCGROSCN)
Date: Gallo-Roman

B. Black-grey (Reduced) coarsewares

B1 Dark grey-brown fabric with black (?reduced) exterior; sandy, slightly granular, relatively fine. Sparse angular quartz and sparse mica inclusions. Occurs very rarely, always in wheel-thrown forms.
Examples: UF34, rim of small jar (Fig. 85, 44); UF 40, bowl (Fig. 79, 10); UF33, rim of jar (Fig. 85, 49)
Beuvray: PSMIC
Date: La Tène D?
B2a Dark orange-brown fabric with black reduced exterior. Abundant ironstone inclusions and sparse quartz and mica inclusions. Appears to be in hand-made forms, usually storage ?jars.
Example: UF15, body sherd with part of base or lug (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PSGROS
Date: Late La Tène?-Gallo-Roman
B2b Dark grey-blue-black fabric with brown-grey exterior and interior surfaces. Frequent inclusions of quart (<1mm) and mica, occasional orange grog (<1mm). Wheel-thrown 'marmite' forms.
Example: UF64, rim (Fig. 90, 78).
Beuvray: PGMIFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman
B2c Dark grey-black fabric with black surfaces. Occasional white stone (<0.2mm) and mica.
Example: UF10, body sherd (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PGMIFIN
Date: Late La Tène?-Gallo-Roman?
B3 Dark black-grey fabric, relatively fine. Common ironstone inclusions, common small inclusions of quartz, common mica inclusions.
Example: UF15, rim sherd (Fig. 81, 23)
Beuvray: PGMIFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman
B4a Dark grey-brown interior with oxidised lighter grey exterior. Abundant mica inclusions giving glittery appearance, sparse inclusions of small quartz (much less than other coarsewares). Common iron inclusions. Thin-walled vessels probably wheel-made but may be in hand-made forms. A rare fabric at most sites.
Example: UF32, body sherd with apparent rib decoration (not illustrated); UF36, rim of jar/beaker G(AV) 2.1 (Fig. 91, 86); UF49 G(AV)2.1 (Fig. 91, 84)
Beuvray: PGMIC
Date: Late Antique or early medieval?
B4b Pale beige-grey fabric with mid-grey surfaces. Inclusions of charcoal (<0.01mm). Highly micaceous fabric - surfaces provide similar glittery appearance to B4a.
Example: UF81, body sherd (not illustrated); UF48 lid Cv(AV)2.1 (Fig. 91, 88); UF 49 rim G(AV)2.2 (Fig. 91, 85); lid (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PGMIC
Date: Late Antique or early medieval?
B4c Dark grey-brown interior with oxidised lighter grey exterior. Abundant mica inclusions giving glittery appearance; rare quartz. A rare fabric at most sites
Example: UF80, body sherd (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PGMIC
Date: Late Antique or early medieval?
B4d Dark-grey black fabric with brown-orange surfaces. Highly micaceous giving granular feel, with abundant mica and frequent quartz (<3mm). Very rare fabric in unknown forms.
Example: UF80, body sherd (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PGMIC
Date: Late Antique or early medieval?
B5 Red-brown interior with a dark black-grey exterior, somewhat similar to B4. Frequent small (<0.5mm) ?flint Inclusions. Occasional mica up to 0.5mm. Occasional small charcoal inclusions (0.2mm). In distinctive wheel-made forms. Has affinities with a number of R coarsewares.
Example: UF78, rim sherd of jar (Fig. 92, 94)
Beuvray: PCGROS
Date: Gallo-Roman
B6 A dark black-grey fabric, hard fired exterior, with an interior of orangey-yellow clay (somewhat similar to R6), with occasional small charcoal inclusions. Frequent inclusions of mica (small - 0.01mm) apparent on exterior black surface and in the fabric.
Example: UF78, rim sherd of straight-sided bowl (Fig. 92, 97)
Beuvray: PCGROS
Date: Gallo-Roman
B7 Dark grey-brown interior with orangey exterior. Fabric has occasional voids and frequent very small mica, occasional large quartz (c. 1mm) and small charcoal inclusions. Hard fired and in wheel-thrown form. Similarities with B2.
Example: UF15, rim sherd jar (Fig. 80, 17)
Beuvray: PGMIFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman

F. Finewares

F1 Orange colour coat ware. Light orange exterior fabric with greyish interior. Red painted surface with poss. decoration. No inclusions. Found in wheel-made forms.
Example: UF34, body sherd of uncertain vessel type (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PCFIN
Date: 2nd-3rd century AD
F2 Light grey interior, yellow-orange exterior with black colour coat on surface, no inclusions. Incised diagonal line decoration on exterior and ribbed interior. In fine wheel-thrown forms. Rhenish ware.
Example: UF15, body sherd of wheel-made vessel of uncertain type (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PCFIN
Date: 2nd-3rd century AD
F3 Light yellow fabric with black colour coat, no inclusions. Similarities with F2 but different fabric colour. Decoration similar to F2 with small incised diagonal lines along body. Rhenish ware.
Example: UF34, body sherd of decorated wheel-made vessel (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PCFIN
Date: 2nd-3rd century AD
F4 Light yellowish-grey fabric similar to F2 with black colour coat on surface, no inclusions. Ribbed decoration. Rhenish ware.
Example: UF34, body sherd of decorated wheel-made vessel (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PCFIN
Date: 2nd-3rd century AD
F5 Reddish-brown fabric with black colour coat, very occasional rare inclusions of very small (less than 1mm) shell or quartz. Found on wheel-made vessel with incised decoration close to the rim. Has affinities with mid Gaulish Rhenish wares (Symonds 1992).
Example: UF34, rim of small wheel-made beaker, with incised decoration around collar (Fig. 84, 37)
Beuvray: PCFIN
Date: 2nd-3rd century AD
F6 Yellow interior with greyish exterior fabric. Greyish colour coat on exterior. Found in fine wheel-thrown forms.
Example: UF18, base of small jar/beaker (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PCFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman
F7 Fabric similar to F2: yellow-orange interior with greyish exterior and black colour coat. Incised decoration smaller than on F2. Thin-bodied wheel-made forms. Rhenish ware.
Example: UF18, body sherd of thin-walled vessel (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PCFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman
F8 Blue-grey fabric with buff exterior and interior margins. Brown-dark grey colour coat on interior and exterior surfaces. Metallescent Rhenish ware.
Example: UF84, body sherd of ?cup (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PCFIN
Date: late 2nd-3rd century AD
F9 Blue-grey fabric with oxidised orange exterior. Black-brown colour coat on exterior and brown-dark grey on interior. Exterior has some evidence of incised decoration.
Example: UF10, body sherd (not illustrated).
Beuvray: PCFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman
F10 Fine fabric, beige-buff grey with black margins and buff exterior and exterior surfaces. Mica inclusions.
Example: UF48, body sherd (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PCFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman
F11 Fine cream fabric with orange-red margins. Black colour coat exterior and interior surfaces.
Example: UF18, body sherd (not illustrated)
Beuvray: PCFIN
Date: Gallo-Roman


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