3.2 Prospection using PTM

In addition to the previously documented panels that constitute Avencal 1, sections of the rock wall between the panels bear no engravings. We selected and analysed a surface located between Panels 2 and 3 with the same data capture methodology as the known panels, as a form of prospection for engravings that may have been obscured by taphonomic processes operating on the surface.

Figure 8
Figure 8: Panel 3C. Top (bookmark 1): 'Blank' panel under even light. Bottom (bookmark 2): the same section re-lit with specular enhancement showing previously unrecorded engraving. [Go to archive]

Figure 8 depicts the results of these efforts on Panel 3C and reveals that a previously undocumented geometric design is present on this section. It bears a resemblance to several other quadrilateral designs within the site. We hypothesise that a combination of mineral accretion and mossy vegetation has hidden this particular petroglyph from view. When originally produced, the exposed sandstone would have presented a striking orange-red colour against the more weathered brown-grey rock.

View Panel 3c with WebRTIViewer


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