8. Basally Modified Microlith Assemblages

The model for basally modified microlith assemblages is shown in Figure 6. Dates are available from four sites. A sequence of deposits has been dated from Cramond (Waddington et al. 2007, 216-17, fig. 15.12), and occupation there and at Kettlebury 103 has been modelled as a continuous phase of activity.

This model suggests that basally modified microlith-type assemblages first appeared in 9280–8305 cal BC (95% probability; start basal modified; Figure 6), probably in 8690–8335 cal BC (68% probability). Basally modified microlith-type assemblages disappeared in 7030–5845 cal BC (95% probability; end basal modified; Figure 6), probably in 6960–6460 cal BC (68% probability).

Figure 6
Figure 6. Probability distributions of radiocarbon dates associated with basally modified microliths. The format is identical to Figure 3.


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