1.3 The OpenAIR library

This article will go on to consider the use of auralisation and audio creativity in the context of digital heritage, documenting the process of acoustic measurement and modelling that is involved, as well as how the results can be applied in a variety of contexts. In particular, this article provides a narrative accompaniment to the ongoing Open Acoustic Impulse Response (OpenAIR) library project (Shelley and Murphy 2010; Shelley et al. 2011) – an online repository for acoustic impulse response data, a large part of which are collected from a broad range of heritage sites. The OpenAIR library enables the interested enthusiast or acoustic expert to explore, interrogate, analyse and audition the data that has been collected. The results can be downloaded in various audio formats for further individual use under a Creative Commons licence, and third-party uploads are also possible, which has enabled this project to be expanded worldwide. Readers are encouraged to explore the OpenAIR website for themselves, although key illustrative examples are presented here directly as part of this article.


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