List of Figures

Figure 1: Image of the entire tomb in its alcove.

Figure 2: St Nicholas' parish church, Mid-Lavant, West Sussex.

Figure 3: The current interior of St Nicholas.

Figure 4: Sir William Ashburnham's tomb, Ashburnham, E. Sussex, 1675, by John Bushnell. Photo: Anthony McIntosh, CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Figure 5: Plan of the interior of St Nicholas, Mid-Lavant showing the movement of the May tomb. Adapted from Salzmann 1953, 'Plan of Interior etc.'. Permission to adapt original image, ©Executive Editor of Victoria County History, 2016. Adapted by J. Jones and J.F. Jones 2016."

Figure 6: The lugubrious memorial: partial view of the Mary May tomb. .

Figure 7: The team setting up an RTI.

Figure 8: Different views facilitated by RTI.

Figure 9: Re-creating 'views' of the tomb through the recording methodology.

Figure 10: Using a PTM as evidence.

Figure 11: Using a PTM as evidence.

Figure 12: Blemish or finishing?

Figure 13: Checking a PTM in the church.

Figure 14: Processing an RTI in the church.

Figure 15: Pock-marks: interrogating the depth and angle.

Figure 16: Quality of later work: identifying mistakes.

Figure 17: Comparison of surface additions.

Figure 18: Superimposition of pock-marks over finishing marks.

Figure 19: Extent of the pock-marks on the effigy.

Figure 20: Lack of pock-marks on the neck.

Figure 21: The unaltered arm of Mary May.

Figure 22: Mary May's body: drapery, concealment and sensibilities.

Figure 23: Carradori's Instruzioni elementari per gli studiosa della scultura (Honour and Fleming 2002), showing the early 18th-century use of a frame and pointing machine. Public domain. [Last accessed 20 May 2016].

Figure 24: A screenshot of the annotation tool in RTIViewer.

Figure 25: The team recorded some close-up views of the tomb using a macro lens to enable interrogation at differing scales.


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