List of Figures

Figure 1: Number of permits for carrying out archaeological research issued in 2009-2014, compared to the number of development-led and question-driven archaeological projects (data from the National Heritage Board of Poland).

Figure 2: The Yamal-Europe pipeline in Poland. Source/© Gaz System SA, Mapa Systemu Gazociągów Tranzytowych. [Last accessed: 25 August 2017].

Figure 3: Plan of the national roads construction for the period 2014-2023; all archaeological sites located on the routes marked in black and red have already been excavated, by B. Białecka, Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad. Source/© GDDKIA. [Last accessed: 25 August 2017]

Figure 4: The Knyszyńsk forest. Archaeological sites discovered in 1995 — marked in black; sites discovered in 2008 — marked in orange; sites discovered by the National Archaeological Museum in 1990s and 2000s — marked in yellow. (Image: from M. Bugaj 2015, 304, fig. 3. Used with permission)

Figure 5: Territorial scope of the quoted study by A. Olech-Śliż and M. Wiśniewski. (Image: A. Oniszczuk, National Heritage Board of Poland).

Figure 6: Percentage of question-driven fieldwork carried out by private companies and development-led research carried out by research institutes and archaeological NGOs in 2009-2014 (data from the National Heritage Board of Poland).


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