3.9 Phase 5c: 14th – early 15th century

Phase 5c

3.9.1 Burials within the church

Earthen surfaces continued to accumulate within the church during this period as burials continued. A line of baby and small child burials [Photo 0185] took place just inside the north and south walls of the church on top of the scarcement which was out of use by this phase. A small pit or cut (ALS inside the north door of the church contained a lace chape with the remains of a leather lace [891]. It was adjacent to the children's burials inside the north wall of the church and may have been an attempt to dig a small grave.

0441 SK 231 and SK 239 were buried within the same grave if not the same coffin (see also SK 228/SK 231)

Other burials of note in this phase were that of SK 231, an early middle aged female, and SK 239, an early middle aged male, who were buried within the same grave, if not within the same coffin [Photo 0441]. The proximity of the bones would suggest that the latter was possible. SK 209 was a child buried inside the north-west corner of church [Photo 0526]. Other burials in this phase were SK 204/SK 210, SK 205, SK 206, SK 207, SK 209, SK 211, SK 212, SK 214, SK 217, SK 224, SK 226, SK 227, SK 229, SK 239, SK 241, SK 247, SK 248, SK 249, SK 251 , SK 252, SK 254.

0526 Burial SK 209

3.9.2 North of the church

Mortar, sand and gravel surfaces continued to be laid north of the church during this phase.

3.9.3 West range

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The West Range buildings were still in use during this period and the Phase 5b tile hearth was replaced by a larger stone structure, AGG [Photo 0109] made from water-washed rounded cobbles. There was an area of intense burning in the centre of the hearth [Photo 0532] where the blackened stones had been covered with burnt orange clay.

0109 0532
0109 The tile hearth was replaced by a larger stone structure AGG
0532 Area of intense burning in the centre of the hearth

3.9.4 Graveyard

Coffin remains and outlines were very well preserved from this phase of the graveyard particularly AWI and AUG (the coffins for SK 320 and SK 305 respectively). A fragment of vessel glass [1512] and floor tiles were found within the fill of grave SK 306 (AUL) and floor tiles were found in the grave of SK 307 (AUN). A cobbled surface, AUH was laid in this phase. It was constructed of closely set angular granite cobbles.

Burials SK 302, SK 303, SK 304, SK 305, SK 306, SK 307, SK 313, SK 314, SK 318, SK 320 and SK 323 took place during this phase of activity in the graveyard.


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