9. The Environmental Remains

This section includes reports on the mammal, fish and bird bones and environmental samples from the two main excavations. Because the 1980-1 excavation had been published previously and it was not thought that they would eventually be published together, it has not been possible to fully integrate the reports from each site. Section 9.1 includes a report on the mammal bones from both sites and the bird bones from the 1980-1 excavation. Section 9.2 reports on the bird and fish bones from the 1994 excavation while Section 9.3 includes soil samples from both excavations.

The mammal, bird and fish bones from the 1980-1 excavation were not originally thought to be worth analysis but when the later excavation report proved such an interesting assemblage, the material from the earlier excavation was also studied. Because the human bone specialist had sorted much of this material from the human bone, it was quite fragmentary and many pieces did not have a context number marked on. Unmarked bones were therefore treated as unstratified.


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