List of Figures

Figure 1: Double ellipsoide ornithomorph bottle with a whistle of the Chorrera-Bahía culture, located in the Archaeological Reserve of Ministry of Cultura in the city of Quito-Ecuador. Photograph Mónica Ayala 2018.

Figure 2: Simple bottle

Figure 3: Bottle with a small hole

Figure 4: Bottle with half-arc handle

Figure 5: Bottle with whistle in handle

Figure 6: Whistle bottle with multiple artistic representations

Figure 7: Bottle with double container

Figure 8: Triple vase with double whistle

Figure 9: Side view. Drawing by Mónica Ayala 2018.

Figure 10: Top view. Drawing by Mónica Ayala 2018.

Figure 11: Bottom view. Drawing by Mónica Ayala 2018.

Figure 12: Neck back view. Drawing by Mónica Ayala 2018.

Figure 13: Bird back view. Drawing by Mónica Ayala 2018.

Figure 14: Structure and location of the whistle. Drawing by Mónica Ayala

Figure 15: The bird. Drawing by Mónica Ayala

Figure 16: Exciter system of the ornithomorphic bottle. Illustration by Mónica Ayala

Figure 17: Components and measurements

Figure 18: Making the template

Figure 19: Forming the bottle

Figure 20: Attaching the body of the bird without the head and the neck of the bottle.

Figure 21: The whistle

Figure 22: Details of the eight holes of the head: eye and beak (Figure 22), back of the bird (Figure 22a), holes at the side (Figure 22b), and top view (Figure 22c)

Figure 23: Details of the head

Figure 24: Blowing into the bottle

Figure 25: Manually activating the whistle

Figure 26: The replica

Figure 27: The original

Figure 28. Above: sonogram (spectrogram); below: waveform of the sound emitted by direct insufflation into the original double chamber whistle vessel (analysis tascam_0032). Made by A. Arnaud Gérard at AcústicaStudioLab of Potosí/Bolivia, 2018.

Figure 29. Oscillogram (below) of the final part (4) of the sound of the original bottle; top: a dilated sonagram in which the frequency of the first partial predominates. Made by A. Arnaud Gérard in AcústicaStudioLab de Potosí/Bolivia, 2018.

Figure 30. Above: sonagram (spectrogram); below: waveform of the sound emitted by water movement in the replica of the double ellipsoid ornithomorphic whistle bottle. On the left you can see a representation of the sound made by the clicks of the water and on the right the whistle that bears some similarity to the sound of the original vessel (analysis tascam_0079). Made by A. Arnaud Gérard in AcústicaStudioLab de Potosí/Bolivia, 2018.


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