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Medieval Churches in Novgorod: Aspects of archaeological investigations and museum presentation

Marina Vdovichenko

Cite this as: Vdovichenko, M. 2020 Medieval Churches in Novgorod: Aspects of archaeological investigations and museum presentation, Internet Archaeology 54.


Veliky Novgorod is an ancient Russian medieval metropolis that formed part of the system of European trade and cultural relations. Many important monuments central to the history of the city were damaged during the first half of the 20th century. Three sites that have been the focus of recent conservation and presentation projects are discussed here; the medieval Church of the Assumption in Volotovo, St Panteleimon's Cathedral, and the Church of the Annunciation on Gorodische, a 12th-century church of great significance in medieval Russia. Archaeological excavations informed the conservation and presentation phase of each project, and the completed works have become an important element in Novgorod's tourism branding.

Church of the Annunciation on Gorodische and Yuriev monastery
Church of the Annunciation on Gorodische and Yuriev monastery (2016)

Corresponding author: Marina Vdovichenko
Institute of Archaeology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

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Figure 1: Novgorod. St Panteleimon Cathedral. Project of museum presentation

Figure 2: Novgorod. St Panteleimon Cathedral. Model of preserved structure

Figure 3: Church of the Annunciation on Gorodische and Yuriev monastery. Photo taken 2016

Figure 4: Church of the Annunciation on Gorodische. Ruins of the church from the west. Photo taken 1950s

Figure 5: Church of the Annunciation on Gorodische from the south-west. Results of the 2016 excavations

Figure 6: Church of the Annunciation on Gorodische from above. Photo taken 2016

Figure 7: Church of the Annunciation on Gorodische. Layout of the churches with colour coding showing the 'archaeological windows' that were excavated below the foundations

Figure 8: Church of the Annunciation on Gorodische. Fragments of ovens. Photo taken 2016

Figure 9: Church of the Annunciation on Gorodische. Stone setting remains. Photo taken 2016

Figure 10: Church of the Annunciation on Gorodische. Fragments of frescoes. Photo taken 2017

Figure 11: Church of the Annunciation on Gorodische from the south-west after completion of restoration. Photo taken 2018

Figure 12: Church of the Annunciation on Gorodische. Interior from the south. Photo taken 2018

Figure 13: Church of the Annunciation on Gorodische from the north-west after completion of restoration. Photo taken 2018

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Седов, Вл.В., Вдовиченко, М.В. 2017 'Археологические работы в церкви Благовещения на Городище, Георгиевском соборе Юрьева монастыря и в церкви Андрея на Ситке в 2016 году, in Новгород и Новгородская земля', История и археология 31, Великий Новгород, 58–73. (Sedov, Vl.V., Vdovichenko, M.V. 2017 'Archaeological work in the Church of the Annunciation on the Settlement, St. George's Cathedral of St. George's Monastery and in the Church of St. Andrew on Sitka in 2016, in Novgorod and Novgorod Land', History and Archeology 31, Veliky Novgorod, 58–73.)

Седов, Вл. В., Вдовиченко, М.В. 2019 'Археологические работы в церкви Благовещения на Городище и Георгиевском соборе Юрьева монастыря в 2017 году, in Новгород и Новгородская земля', История и археология 32, Великий Новгород, 40–59. (Sedov, Vl. V., Vdovichenko, M.V. 2019 'Archaeological work in the Church of the Annunciation on the Settlement and St. George's Cathedral of St. George Monastery in 2017, in Novgorod and Novgorod Land', History and Archeology 32, Veliky Novgorod, 40–59 .)

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